????醫學革命前沿領域的兩位頂尖科學家相信,人類的壽命或將向三位數延伸。 ????南加州大學藥物工程學教授大衛·阿古斯在本周舉行的財富全球論壇上表示,他認為依靠現有技術,人們活到九十多、一百多歲有望成為普遍現象。 ????基因組分析和細胞治療機構Human Longevity Inc.首席執行官克雷格·文特爾指出,人類壽命也許沒有理論上限,但“我們得確保地球能養活壽命特別長的人類”。 ????究其原因,還是醫學和科技的交叉領域,例如大數據研究進展迅速,抗衰老方面實現突破才成為可能。 ????文特爾解釋說,15年前他首次確定人類基因組排序時沒有任何可供參考對象。而現在我們知道,人們從父母那里得到的64億對DNA中,有大約3%會發生變異。 ????文特爾表示,10年前絕想不到有一天我們能根據遺傳密碼來預測壽命。現在,我們還知道人類的遺傳密碼一直在變化。比如說,男性會從40多歲或50多歲開始失去y染色體。 ????為了破解信息量巨大的遺傳密碼,文特爾說他和他的團隊聘請了設計谷歌翻譯的工程師:“我們正在讓機器進行學習,目的是理解和詮釋所有數據。”他說,現在他們已經有能力根據一個人的遺傳密碼來直接生成此人的照片。 ????那么,掌握了這些數據就能自動延長人類壽命嗎?實際情況要更復雜一些。 ????阿古斯說:“人類每六個月都會習得新特質,正是這些特質讓人類變得越發復雜。”這同時意味著,我們永遠也無法完全理解疾病的原理,不過阿古斯補充道,控制疾病并不一定需要理解它。 譯者:Charlie 審校:夏林 |
????Two of the leading scientists at the edge of the medical revolution believe that our life expectancy could start creeping up toward the triple digits. ????David Agus, a professor of medicine and engineering at the University of Southern California, said at the Fortune Global Forum on Monday that he believes that with our current technology humans have the potential to regularly live into their ninth or tenth decade. ????Craig Venter, co-founder and CEO of Human Longevity Inc., said there might be no hypothetical limit to how long we can live, but that “we need to make sure we can support extra long life on this planet.” ????Huge advancements at the intersection of medicine and technology, such as big data, are making these kinds of developments in aging possible. ????Venter explained that when he first sequenced the human genome 15 years ago, there was nothing for him to compare it to. For example, we now know that we vary about 3% from the 6.4 billion letters of DNA that we get from our parents. ????Ten years ago, Venter said he wouldn’t have thought that we’d be able to predict someone’s age from their genetic code. We also now know that our genetic code is constantly changing, he said. Men, for example, start losing y chromosomes in their 40s and 50s. ????To help crack the big data code in medicine, Venter said he and his team have hired the engineer who designed Google Translate. “We’re using machine learning to try to understand and interpret all that data,” he explained. He said that they now have the capability to generate a photo of someone straight from their genetic code. ????So will all this data automatically extend our lifespan. That’s a bit more complicated. ????“We’re learning new dimensions to each of us every six months,” Agus said. “These dimensions make us more complex.” That means we’re never going to totally understand disease, he added, but we don’t need to understand it to control it. |