


S. Kumar 2015年09月07日
蘋果即將于9月9日召開新品發布會。分析師認為,新一代iPhone有望給股價低迷的蘋果公司注入一針強心劑。它將配備像素更高的攝像頭,以及備受矚目的壓感觸控(force touch),這項技術能讓設備識別用戶的輕度和重度觸屏,并為它們分配不同的功能。

????蘋果公司預計將于9月9日發布最新款手機iPhone 6s(或iPhone 7),在過去一周經歷股價震蕩的投資者們理應松一口氣。盡管首席執行官蒂姆?庫克信誓旦旦地聲稱,中國的經濟困境不會對這家科技巨頭的銷量造成負面影響,但就在幾周前,蘋果股價依然低于115美元,即便是在上周四股市強勁反彈之后依然如此,遠低于52周以來的最高點134.54美元。

????至少,來自市場的某些懲罰似乎就是專門沖著蘋果來的。投資者有許多理由為這家公司擔心,比如中國智能手機廠商的低價競爭,Apple Music和Apple Pay的吸引力十分有限,等等。


????這款手機擁有遠超前幾代產品的1200萬像素攝像頭、4K視頻錄制功能、更快的處理速度、更長的電池續航時間(據Tech Insider引用的多項調研顯示,用戶認為這一點極為重要)、類似Apple Watch和安卓手機的動態墻紙。這款手機能識別較差的Wi-Fi網絡信號,并在這類環境中自動切換至蜂窩網絡。這代手機的Wi-Fi通話功能還支持AT&T的網絡,此前僅限于T-Mobile。

????不過該手機最重要的新特色還是壓感觸控(force touch),這項技術能讓設備識別用戶的輕度和重度觸屏,并為它們分配不同的功能。它目前已經在Apple Watch和Macbook上實現了。一旦該技術應用于新款iPhone上,就可能成為一項王牌特色,使其在操作簡便性和功能實用性方面遠遠甩開前幾代產品。


????另一個因素也可能成為蘋果一大利好。誠然,在iPhone 6大獲成功之后,蘋果公司的業績或許很難再上一層樓。不過,無線網絡運營商提供的新設備分期付款計劃也許會鼓勵用戶購買新iPhone。越來越多的AT&T和威瑞森的顧客都開始選擇這類計劃。這些計劃不會把他們束縛在兩年的合約中,可以讓他們盡早升級手機。

????斯坦福?伯恩斯坦公司分析師托尼?薩克納西預計,大約有1490萬美國用戶可以在今年年底前升級手機。而據《華爾街日報》所述,去年秋天iPhone 6發布時,這一數值是530萬。






????Apple is expected to unveil its latest device, the iPhone 6s (or 7), on September 9 in what should be a sigh of relief for investors, who have had a tough ride this week. Despite CEO Tim Cook’s assurance that China’s economic difficulties should not adversely impact the tech giant’s sales, the company’s stock is still trading below its $115 a share level just a few weeks ago, even after the robust market rally on Thursday, and far below its 52-week high of $134.54 a share.

????At least some of the market punishment seems unique to Apple. Investors are worried about the company for many reasons, including competition from low-cost Chinese smartphone makers and only modest traction for Apple Music and Apple Pay.

????Which is why the new iPhone is crucial for Apple to restore investors’ confidence, and there’s a good chance it will for several reasons.

????The phone will have a 12 megapixel camera, a big increase from previous versions; 4k video recording; faster processing speed; longer battery life, which many users consider to be an extremely important feature, according to multiple studies cited by Tech Insider; animated wallpaper like the Apple Watch and Android phones; the ability to detect when a Wi-Fi network is weak and automatically switch to cellular; and Wi-Fi calling over AT&T, previously limited to T-Mobile.

????But what’s expected to be the most important new feature of all: force touch, a technology that enables a device to distinguish between light and strong taps by a user and assign different functions to them, as it currently does on the Apple Watch and MacBooks. Applied to the iPhone, this could potentially be the killer feature that solidly differentiates the new iPhone from its predecessors by enhancing ease-of-use and utility.

????An improvement to the user experience has always been at the heart of Apple’s success with new models and the force touch feature can provide this. Force touch is also new enough to encourage buyers to replace their existing phones, a major driver of sales in in China, one of Apple’s key markets. Force Touch should also help Apple maintain its position in the Asian market, where competitor Huawei is reportedly introducing a similar feature to its smartphones.

????Another factor working in Apple’s favor is that while the company may have a hard time outdoing its blockbuster sales for the iPhone 6, new equipment installment plans from wireless carriers might encourage adoption for the new iPhone by consumers. An increasing percentage of AT&T and Verizon customers have been opting for these plans, which don’t tie them down to two-year contracts and allow them to upgrade early.

????Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi estimates that about 14.9 million U.S. customers will be eligible for upgrades at the end of this year, compared to 5.3 million last fall when the iPhone 6 launched, according to The Wall Street Journal.

????Finally, even though Apple continues to trail Samsung in terms of worldwide smartphone sales, which fell in the second quarter of 2015, Apple’s market share rose to 14.6% from 12.2% a year ago, while Samsung’s declined to 21.9% from 26.2%, according to research firm Gartner. In China, too, Apple’s iPhone sales grew by 68% last quarter to 11.9 million units, indicating that the company is making inroads in that market despite its challenges. “It’s a big brand and people really associate that with their status and it’s kind of an aspirational brand so many of the consumers in China expect to own an iPhone at some point of time,” says Gartner research director Anshul Gupta.

????Some words of caution here. Apple’s new product launches are always surrounded by hype and predictions that don’t always come true. It remains to be seen how good the final product will be and, of course, how many people will buy it. In addition, analyst expectations could be inflated, as they were last quarter, setting Apple up to disappoint Wall Street even with a great smartphone.

????Nonetheless, given the importance of the new iPhone as investors add pressure on Apple’s stock, it’s a safe bet that the company is going take this particular launch very seriously. Stay tuned for September 9th.

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