


Bradley Berman 2015年04月22日
我們的汽車詞典里還沒有一個專有名詞能形容奔馳F 015——用鋁合金精雕細琢而成、可媲美太空飛船的豪華座駕?!敦敻弧酚浾呷涨霸嚦肆诉@輛奔馳公司花費四年之力研發的杰作,感覺就像坐上了只有一個車廂的頭等艙。接受記者專訪時,兩位主要研發功臣暢談了這部轎車的設計理念和過程。





????BB: Were these ideas hard to sell within the company?

????AM: The crucial moment was 2012 during a stressful meeting of some Daimler board members, including Dieter Zetsche (the chairman, and head of Mercedes cars). The mood was not the best.

????HH: The board wanted a show car for research, but the concept developed by a completely different team was on the table. This other concept was not convincing, so they canceled it.

????AM: And then I walked in with a single very black slide with the idea of a lasso.





????HH: It was a visualization of the future. It showed humankind’s desire for huge buildings that became higher and higher, like the Burj Khalifa [the tallest man-made structure in the world, located in Dubai].

????AM: It was really about the development of society and a lasso into the future. You have to catch something from the future and pull it towards you. I presented the strange idea of making a total futuristic car where no driving is required, and where the buildings were tall and digital. I asked, “What’s the freedom and luxury for the future?”

????Hutzenlaub then showed me this image from his laptop.

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