????9、 《星球大戰前傳三——西斯的復仇》(2005) ????作為星戰三部曲的最后一部,這部影片講述了一個古老的故事:當你和自己的絕地武士導師展開一場光劍大戰時,那將發生什么事情?結果是,你會滾進熔巖河,你碳化的軀體會披上黑風衣,然后變成大名鼎鼎的黑武士。 ????這部片子的美國國內票房高達3.8億美元,相當于今天的4.55億美元。而黑武士則成為全球流行文化的標志性人物,在2014年烏克蘭首相選舉中,它就堂而皇之地出現在了投票結果中。 |
????9. Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith (2005) ????The third and final episode in the “Star Wars” prequel trilogy told the age-old story of what happens when you have a lightsaber fight with your Jedi mentor. That is, you roll into a river of molten lava, your charred body gets put into a black suit, and you become known as Darth Vader. ????Fans bestowed upon 2005’s “Revenge of the Sith” a $380 million domestic box office take that’s good for $455 million today. Darth Vader remains an iconic figure in worldwide popular culture, as demonstrated by his presence on ballots in the Ukrainian prime ministerial election of 2014. |