????1、《星球大戰》(1977) ????第一部《星球大戰》以4.61億美元的美國本土票房(相當于2015年的18億美元)勇奪榜首寶座。對一部剛開始連投拍都萬分困難的電影來說,這實在是一個了不起的成就。聯藝公司、環球影業和迪斯尼公司當時都對喬治?盧卡斯這部不起眼的小科幻片不屑一顧。最終,20世紀福克斯公司勉勉強強同意一試。 ????事實證明,這個決策無比英明,也讓電影公司終于懂得了搶占先機的道理。2012年,當初說不的沃爾特?迪斯尼公司以40多億美元的價格,收購了盧卡斯影業公司,與當年答應拍攝這部電影相比,這個代價實在高太多了,這部片子的預算僅僅1100萬美元。迪斯尼接手后,頭一件事就是投拍全新的三部曲,開篇之作將是定于2015年12月上映的《原力覺醒》。 ????當然,當年如果他們肯投拍第一部,他們就有充分的機會賺到所有這一切了。不過,遲來的六部曲總好過一部也沒有吧。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠 ????審校:任文科 |
????1. Star Wars (1977) ????The original “Star Wars” tops our list, with a $461 million domestic box office take that translates to $1.8 billion in 2015. Not bad for a movie that faced a huge uphill battle simply to get made. Such major studios as United Artists, Universal and Disney DIS -1.15% all passed on George Lucas’ peculiar little science fiction project, and finally it was 20th Century Fox that grudgingly said yes. ????It turned out to be a good decision, as well as a good lesson on the importance of getting in on the ground floor. Walt Disney, one of the original naysayers, bought George Lucas’ production company, Lucasfilm, in 2012 for over $4 billion, considerably more than they would have had to pay if they had just said yes to the first movie, whose budget was $11 million. Their first order of business is a new trilogy of sequels, which starts in December 2015 with “Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens.” ????Of course, if they had just said “yes” to the first movie, they would have had a ground floor opportunity to own the whole enchilada, but hey — better six episodes late than never. |