Erin Griffith
????觸控計算 ????觸控計算并不是蘋果通過iPhone發明的,但它卻讓觸控真正普及開來。在80年代,包括Go Corp、Pencept、Linux和Communications Intelligence Corporation在內的多家電腦公司都推出了使用手寫筆的平板電腦。微軟也于1993年推出了Windows for Pen Computing,蘋果也于同年推出了Newton MessagePad。 |
????Touch computing ????Apple didn’t invent touch computing with the iPhone, but it certainly popularized it. In the 1980s, a number of pen computing companies offered tablet computers with styluses, including Go Corp, Pencept, and Linus and Communications Intelligence Corporation. Windows for Pen Computing launched in 1993 and Apple’s Newton MessagePad launched in 1993. |