


Daniel Bukszpan 2015年03月16日

????1. 《獅子王》

????史上票房最高的動畫電影被《獅子王》(The Lion King )摘得,應該是名至實歸的,誰也不會感到意外。這部里程碑式的經典大片被孩子們深深熱愛了20多年,當年最早的一批辛巴小粉絲如今也為人父母了。這部攝制于1994年的電影已經被改編成三種視頻游戲和一部音樂劇,后者已經在百老匯上演了18年。




????1. The Lion King

????It should come as no surprise that The Lion King is the highest-grossing animated film of all time. A stone cold classic beloved by children for over 20 years – and maybe a few of their parents too – the 1994 movie inspired three video games and a musical now in its 18th year on Broadway.

????The movie’s domestic box office take of $423 million is impressive even before it’s adjusted for inflation, at which point it reaches a Titanic-esque $676 million. It leaves every other animated movie on this list in its dust, with the cruel and unrelenting force of a wildebeest stampede.

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