????4. 索尼 ????專利數量:3224項 ????代表性專利:“觸發交互式電視參數表的擴展技術” ????國家:日本 ????與佳能一樣,索尼的專長領域也是圖像通信(如電視)。根據索尼發言人的估算,此前獲得的部分光學專利,已經幫助該公司占領了智能手機圖像傳感器市場43%的份額。(這位發言人聲稱:“總體而言,我們的技術領先競爭對手兩年?!保┪覀兞信e的這項專利涉及“從內容源接收內容后,在顯示器上顯示接收到的內容”。其發明者在專利申請文件中詳細描述了索尼對所謂交互式電視的興趣。例如,想象一下,你在觀看體育比賽的時候,大屏幕上會實時提供運動員的最新統計數據。該專利為這種技術奠定了基礎。(目前尚不清楚索尼CEO平井一夫旨在削減電視業務的新商業計劃將對這類專利造成怎樣的影響。) |
????4. Sony ????Patents earned: 3,224 ????Representative patent: "Extensions to Trigger Parameters Table for Interactive Television" ????Country: Japan ????Like Canon, Sony's speciality is pictorial communication (e.g. television). Certain optical patents granted in years past have helped the company grab, a spokesperson estimates, 43% market share for image sensors in smartphones. ("In general our technology is two years ahead of our competitors," says the spokesperson.) Here we highlight a Sony patent that involves "receiving content from a content source, and displaying the received content on a display." Elaborating within the filing, the patent's authors detail Sony's interest in so-called interactive TV. Imagine, for example, that your big screen dishes out updated statistics for athletes while they compete in sporting events. This patent undergirds that technology. (No telling yet how CEO Kazuo Hirainew business plan that deemphasizes TV will affect it.) |