????3. 公司賺的錢夠維持運轉嗎? ????在尋找創業目標的時候,你還需要考慮財務因素。研究顯示,美國80%的新公司在前十八個月便遭遇失敗,其中最大的原因是現金流不足。如果你的公司不能帶來利潤,你就不可能獲得自己努力謀求的積極影響。能夠立刻賺到錢的初創公司寥寥無幾,所以你需要保證自己有足夠多的積蓄或其他收入,來充當你創業的堅強后盾。 ????如果你最中意的商業創意需要更長時間才能產生利潤,更好的做法應該是先專注于較小的業務。之后,你可以利用小業務的成功及其產生的利潤,作為啟動大項目的跳板。但要切記,純粹為了賺錢進行創業,最后往往都以失敗告終。 ????總之,確定自己的創業目標,然后弄清楚如何利用自己的創業激情,來幫助你的社區。為客戶提供一個支持你事業的理由,并且確保公司的利潤足以令其生存下去。祝你好運,一定要享受創業的過程。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????3. Will it be profitable enough to sustain? ????You also need to consider your finances when rifling through your options. Research shows that 8 out of 10 new businesses fail in the United States within the first 18 months, and the No. 1 killer of startups is a lack of cash flow. If your business doesn’t turn a profit, you will be unable to make the positive impact you’re striving for. It’s rare for a startup to make money immediately, so you need to make sure that you have enough saved, or that you have another income stream that can support you. ????If your favorite idea will take longer to turn a profit, it might be better to focus on one of your smaller ideas first. Afterward, you can use the smaller business’s success — and profit — as a springboard to launch a bigger project. But remember, starting a business for the sole purpose of making money usually ends in failure. ????So figure out what your tennis ball is, and work out how you can connect that passion to helping your community. Offer customers a reason to support your cause, then make sure your margins allow for some profit to keep that business afloat. Good luck, and remember to have fun along the way. |