????麻省理工學院(MIT)經濟學家大衛?奧特指出:“到19世紀末……很多美國人意識到,農業的就業率正在下降,工業就業率正在上升。而他們的孩子需要接受額外的教育才能夠養家糊口。”世界銀行也指出,在1900到1940年之間,美國14至17歲青少年的高中入學率從10%上升到75%。因此,隨著經濟的成熟,數百萬勞動者離開農場后,能夠獲得薪水更高的工作。 ????但這一次,我們需要的不是更多的學校,而是不同的學校。學校需要投入更大精力,向下一代人傳授新的技能,使他們能在新的科技革命中受益,而不是“靠邊站”。特別需要指出的是,機器人的溝通和解決問題的能力依然很糟糕。所以,學校應該重點加強學生的批判式思維和社交能力。另外,在未來的一二十年,機器人大概也很難掌握設計和自我管理能力,因此,學校應該著重培養學生的創造力和管理技能。 ????除了重點傳授不同的技能,學校還應教會學生如何與機器和其它新興技術共同工作。如今,那些征服了電腦的人有更大的成功機會。而在未來,那些掌握了機器人和大數據的人也將是如此。奧特在最近發表的一篇論文中指出:人們“經常夸大了機器對人力的取代作用,忽視了它極強的補充作用。”在未來20年中,我們的成功不一定取決于我們的量化技能或努力程度,而是取決于能否很好地與機器人協同工作。 ????兩年前,我的一個親戚被診斷出患有前列腺癌。諷刺的是,他自己就是一名杰出的泌尿科醫生,曾經做過3000多例前列腺癌手術,但是他沒法給自己手術。他在選擇醫生時,選擇了一名據說是最善于操作達芬奇外科手術系統(Da Vinci Surgical System,一種機器人手術系統)的外科醫生。他的醫術當然依然很重要,但是機器人能讓醫生的雙手進行更微小、更精確的切割操作。雖然像工業革命一樣,科技革命將給人類帶來挑戰,但機器人最終會幫助我們更好地完成工作,解決那些我們今天甚至無法解決的問題。(財富中文網) ????本文作者萊恩?費特是SeedInvest公司的CEO和聯合創始人,SeedInvest是紐約的一家連接投資人和創業公司的私募眾籌平臺。 |
????According to MIT Economist David Autor, “By the late 19th century … many Americans recognized that farm employment was declining, industry was rising and their children would need additional education to earn a living.” The World Bank notes that between 1900 and 1940, the percentage of 14- to 17-year-olds enrolled in high school in the U.S. increased from 10% to 75%. As a result, millions of workers left farms and were able to obtain higher-paying jobs as the economy matured. ????But this time, we don’t need more schools, we need different schools. Schools will need to place a greater focus on skills that will enable the next generation to benefit from the upcoming technological wave instead of merely getting swept aside. In particular, robots are still horrible communicators and problem solvers. So schools should evolve to emphasize critical thinking and social skills. It is also highly unlikely that during the next couple decades robots will learn how to design and manage themselves, so schools should stress creativity and management skills. ????In addition to focusing on different skill sets, schools will need to teach students how to work with machines and other emerging technologies. Today, those who have conquered computers have given themselves a much greater chance of succeeding. Tomorrow, the same will be true as it pertains to robots and big data. In a recent paper, Autor observed that people often “overstate the extent of machine substitution for human labor and ignore the strong complementarities.” In 20 years, our success will not necessarily be driven by our quantitative skills or our work effort, but by how well we collaborate with robots. ????Two years ago, a relative of mine was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Ironically, he is a talented urologist who has performed over 3,000 prostate cancer surgeries, but couldn’t operate on himself. When it came to choosing a doctor, he selected a surgeon who was arguably the best in the world at operating with the da Vinci Surgical System, a robotic surgical system. His physician’s skills were still as important as ever but the robot enabled his doctor to translate his hand movements into smaller, more precise incisions. Although the Technology Revolution will come with its share of challenges, like the Industrial Revolution, it will ultimately enable us to do our jobs better than before and solve problems that we can’t even fathom solving today. ????Ryan Feit is CEO and co-founder of SeedInvest, a New York City-based equity crowdfunding platform that connects investors with startups. |