好日子即將到頭 ????美國各州和各大城市已經開始對至少某些新經濟公司實施監管,盡管此類努力經常會受到人們的嘲笑,并且背上了扼殺創新的罪名。我不知道推卸責任和法律義務是否真的屬于“創新”。規避旨在監管旅館位置的區劃法規,對誰有資格開車載客的規定不管不顧,必然會帶來一些風險,被服務一方真的應該警覺這些風險,如果你相信服務協議的話。 ????對于那些擔心收入不均的人,還有一個理由讓他們重新審視這些新商業模式。密歇根大學(University of Michigan)商學院教授杰拉德?F?戴維斯和他的同事對53個國家在1960-2006年之間的數據進行了仔細分析。他們發現,人們在大公司里工作的比例越高,收入不均的水平就越低。這一發現是有道理的,因為內部勞動力市場以及雇員之間更密切的社會交往,比市場安排更易于減少員工的收入差異。 ????你可以說我“老套”,但我的確更喜歡一家公司的“服務協議”里寫明它究竟提供哪種產品和服務,而不是說它對任何事都不負責。我喜歡光顧的公司,是那種有自己的產品、有嚴格的管理、關心它的顧客、對員工提供監管、為服務提供質量保障的公司。(財富中文網) ????本文作者Jeffrey Pfeffer是斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford’s Graduate School of Business)組織行為學教授。他最近的著作《Leadership B.S.: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time》將于2015年由哈珀柯林斯出版社(HarperCollins)出版。 |
The jig may soon be up ????Cities and states are beginning to try to impose some oversight on at least some of the new economy companies, although such efforts are often met with derision and characterized as stifling innovation. I am not sure that avoiding responsibility and legal liability is really as “innovative” as is sometimes claimed. Bypassing zoning regulations on where hotels can be located and negating licensing requirements related to who can pick up passengers poses risks that, if you believe the terms of service agreements, truly should make the buyer beware. ????For those people who worry about income inequality, there is another reason to think twice about these new business models. In a careful analysis of 53 countries from 1960 to 2006, University of Michigan business school professor Gerald F. Davis and a colleague found that the higher proportion of employees who worked in large companies, the lower the level of income inequality. This makes sense because internal labor markets and the greater social contact among employees reduces variation in wages much more so than in market-like arrangements. ????Call me old-fashioned, but I actually like a company whose “terms of service” entails providing the product or service I am purchasing rather than stating all the things it is not responsible for. I prefer to buy from a company that stands behind its products, with management that cares enough about its customers to provide oversight of its employee workforce and quality assurance for its services. ????Jeffrey Pfeffer is Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. His latest book, Leadership B.S.: Fixing Workplaces and Careers One Truth at a Time will be published in September, 2015 by HarperCollins. |