????楊敏德計劃在風景如畫的桂林市(比爾?克林頓曾表示,桂林如同一幅經典的中國山水畫)重新打造一家工廠。在紡織品生產方面,楊敏德希望專注于采用天然植物型染料,對周圍水域實現零排放。該工廠還將配建一所博物館,多個展覽館——以及一所“小阿斯彭”,以效仿阿斯彭研究所,成為具有影響力的思想領袖的大本營。楊敏德稱,該建筑群將成為一個櫥窗,展示中國企業如何實現可持續經濟發展。 ????在我們的最具影響力女性采訪中,楊坦陳,當女兒宣稱自己一手創建的PYE品牌已經過時,需要改造,她心里很不好受。她說道:“這很傷人。”她補充道,她認為自己仍然年輕,而且時尚前衛。“我與88歲的老母親一起玩。我們還一起做瑜伽。” ????不過,楊的時尚前衛還有其他表現形式。她對Integral項目的計劃——及其可能對中國未來的影響——表明,她不僅是位實業家,還是位前衛的有識之士。 ????只不過,這一次她的理想更為遠大。(財富中文網) ????譯者:Hunter ????審校:李翔 |
????Yang has plans to remodel a factory in the picturesque city of Guilian (a town that brings to mind classic Chinese landscape paintings, as Bill Clinton once noted.). In its textile production, she wants a focus on natural, plant-based dyes and zero discharge into the surrounding waters. The facility would also feature a museum, pavilions—and a “little Aspen” to mimic the Aspen Institute’s position as a home for influential thought leaders. The complex would stand as a showcase for how Chinese companies can pursue sustainable economic development, she said. ????In our MPW interview, Yang confessed that it had been difficult for her when her own daughter declared the PYE brand she founded was out-of-fashion and in need of revamping. “It hurt,” she conceded, adding that she still thinks of herself as young and fashion-forward. “I hang out with my 88-year-old mother. I do yoga with her.” ????But forward-thinking comes in other forms, too. Yang’s plans for Integral—and the impact it could have on China’s future—show that this industrialist is still a cutting-edge visionary. ????This time, though, she’s thinking bigger. Much bigger. |