


Scott Cendrowski 2014年11月13日

????百度公司(Baidu Inc)首席財務官李昕晢本周三表示,很快,互聯網搜索的一半將變成語音搜索或可視化搜索,而不是文字搜索。這也為我們解讀百度對抗阿里巴巴(Alibaba Group Inc.)的最新之舉——與另外兩家中國公司剛剛簽定一份8億美元的協議——提供了新的視角。

????兩個月前,百度、騰訊(Tencent Holdings Ltd)和中國最大的商業地產公司大連萬達(Dalian Wanda)共同組建了一家合資公司,據說這家公司將成為阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的競爭對手。不過對于兩家中國最大的科技巨頭和一家購物中心運營商為何會走到一起,目前沒有更多的細節可供參考。在《財富》(Fortune)近日在香港召開的“最具影響力女性論壇”(Most Powerful Women’s Forum)上,李昕晢提供了一些新的線索。


????為了應對谷歌眼鏡,百度也開發了自己的創新產品“百度眼鏡”(Baidu Eye),這款產品也支持新的搜索技術,只不過與其說它是“百度眼鏡”,還不如叫“百度耳”比較確切。李昕晢表示,“百度眼鏡”和谷歌眼鏡的不同之處在于,它沒有鏡片——部分原因是因為很多中國年輕人的視力較差,因此像谷歌眼鏡那樣的鏡片屏幕在中國是不實用的。因此,“百度眼鏡”會通過聲音把搜索結果傳導到耳機里。不要小瞧了“附近哪有賣耐克鞋的地方”這種小問題,它在中國大有市場。這樣一來,百度的新技術就與大連萬達的實體商場巧妙地結合起來,成了阿里巴巴的有力對手。

????李昕晢曾在通用汽車公司(General Motors Corp.)工作多年,后來于2008年加盟百度。李昕晢也是菲利普莫里斯國際公司(Philip Morris International)的董事會成員之一,而且也是第一位躋身《財富》美國100強企業董事會的中國女性。



????Baidu Inc.’s finance chief Jennifer Li said Wednesday half of Internet searches will soon be audio or visual instead of text, offering a new perspective on an $800 million deal between Baidu and two other companies in China to take on e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Inc. .

????Two months ago Baidu teamed up with Tencent Holdings Ltd and Dalian Wanda, China’s largest commercial property owner to form a venture that was billed as a competitor to Alibaba, but which lacked details about why two of the country’s largest tech giants and a mall operator were joining forces. At Fortune’s Most Powerful Women’s forum in Hong Kong, Li offered new clues.

????“Mobile means people can make purchasing decisions on offline consumption,” she said on stage in an interview with Fortune’s Pattie Sellers. She said Baidu expects consumers to making shopping decisions using photos of someone’s dress in the mall, or a voice search of where to see a movie nearby, in addition to the more ordinary uses like “taking picture of yourself, and what movie star do you resemble? Or take picture of a plant, what is it?” Baidu has pumped money into deep learning programs to support the new searches.

????Baidu Eye, the company’s answer to Google Glass, is also supporting the new search ventures. Only it’s not so much an Eye as an Ear. Li said Baidu’s device, in contrast to Google’s, is ear-mounted–in part, because so many Chinese young people have poor eyesight, making an eye screen impractical. Instead, a voice command delivers search results into the ear-piece. The market for, Where to buy Nike shoes nearby?is a big one in China, and one that ties Baidu’s contraption back to its goal of bridging online search into Dalian Wanda’s brick-and-mortar malls to take on Alibaba.

????A veteran of General Motors Corp. , who moved to China’s leading search company in 2008, Li sits on the board of Philip Morris International and is the first Chinese woman to serve on a Fortune 100 company board.

????Li said she expects revenue from mobile searches to surpass PC searches soon. In the latest quarter, mobile revenue was 36% of total revenue. When pressed by Fortune’s Sellers, Li said it was growing at five points each quarter.

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