


Michael Casey 2014-10-30

????中國正在加大研發支出力度,而美國一直在削減其政府研發支出。這也是中國未來也許能趕超美國的原因之一。巴特爾研究所(Battelle)和《R&D 雜志》(Battelle/R&D Magazine)公布的《2014年全球研發經費預測報告》(2014 Global R&D Funding Forecast)預測,在研發投入方面,中國最早可能在2025年超越美國。



????Strategy&公司發布的這份報告使用了彭博資訊(Bloomberg)和Capital IQ提供的數據,并結合了相關調查和訪談。該報告分析了企業的研發投入和創新水平。除了預測全球趨勢,該報告還指出了在研發方面投入最大的行業和公司。

????對于美國而言,讓人頗為安慰的是,目前還沒有一家中資企業在研發投入或創新方面進入十強榜單。這意味著,在短期內沒有中國企業能獲得谷歌(Google)或強生公司(Johnson & Johnson)那樣的輝煌業績。事實上,排名最高的中資公司僅排在第62位。

????2014年,大眾汽車公司(Volkswagen)和三星公司(Samsung)研發投入分別達到135億美元和134億美元,連續第二年榮登研發投入榜單榜首。英特爾(Intel)和微軟則分列攀升至第三和第四名,而谷歌也首次進入十強,僅領先默克公司(Merck and Co)。除了默克公司外,還有其他三家醫藥企業進入研發投入十強名單。


????Still, he said, China was “pulling out all the stops” in R&D as part of a strategy to become more self-sufficient by producing as much as they can indigenously and ending their dependence on foreign firms like Apple or Boeing for help.

????“They have basically decided the old strategy of attracting foreign firms to set up assembly operations is no longer their path to growth,” Atkinson said.

????“They feel like they have maximized that potential,” he said. “This is one reason why you are seeing now a real backlash against foreign technology firms in China going after companies like Microsoft, Qualcomm and other with whole set of trumped up anti-monopoly complaints and things like that. They feel like they don’t need them anymore.”

????And while China is spending more, the United States has been cutting its government R & D spending which could be one reason why the Chinese could one day surpass the Americans. The 2014 Global R&D Funding Forecast, published by Battelle/R&D Magazine, projects China could overtake the United States as early as 2025.

????Atkinson said the goal of China is “beat us” and that America must do more including more generous tax incentives for R&D and reversing cuts in science and technology if it wants to remain the world’s innovation leader.

????“We’ve got to go back and just bite the bullet and you know what we are going to do that because we are not going to lose,” he said. “If we did those things, I have every faith we could stay ahead of China from an innovation perspective. If we don’t do those things, within 10 years or 15 years China will have caught up to us in many, many areas or surpassed us.”

????The report, which uses data from Bloomberg and Capital IQ data combined with surveys and interviews, looks both at a company’s R&D spending and its level of innovation. Along with charting global trends, the report also highlighted the sectors and companies that are doing the most in research and development.

????One promising indicator for the United States is there wasn’t one Chinese firm either in the overall spenders or innovator top 10 — a sign that no Chinese firm is about to match the exploits of a Google or Johnson & Johnson in the near term. In fact, the highest ranking Chinese company was ranked 62nd.

????Volkswagen and Samsung , for a second year running, topped the list of companies spending the most on research and development at $13.5 billion and $13.4 billion respectively. Intel INTC 0.06% and Microsoft MSFT -0.48% increased their spending to move up to third and fourth on the list while Google for the first time joined the 10 just ahead of Merck and Co. MRK -2.01% . Along with Merck, there were three other health care companies on the top 10 list of spenders for 2014.

????“Our industry’s pace of change is so fast that we need to continuously plan to replace our own technologies,” Intel spokesperson Christine Dotts said, singling out the company’s 14 nanometer processors as example of that. “We can’t sit back and do little because the expectations of Moore’s Law demand constant innovation.


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