????2. 愛德華?阿斯納飾演沃倫?巴菲特 |
????2. Edward Asner as Warren Buffett |

????愛德華?阿斯納在2011年的電影《大到不能倒》(Too Big to Fail)中飾演奧馬哈先知沃倫?巴菲特。影片講述了2008年的金融危機。影片中大牌云集。參演的明星包括飾演美林銀行(Merrill Lynch)CEO約翰?塞恩的馬修?莫迪恩,飾演摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)CEO杰米?戴蒙的比爾?普爾曼。阿斯納似乎對飾演這個角色非常高興。他對《娛樂周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)說道:“能扮演像巴菲特這樣的國民偶像,能與導演柯蒂斯?漢森共事,我很開心,所以我馬上抓住了這個機會。這個角色并不引人注意,但這卻是我在家庭影院(HBO)的首秀,所以我很喜歡。我非常尊敬他們。” |
????Edward Asner played the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, in the 2011 film "Too Big to Fail" about the 2008 financial crisis. It was a packed cast of big name stars. The celebrity-as-CEOs list included Matthew Modine as Merrill Lynch CEO John Thane and Bill Pullman as JPMorgan Chase JPM 1.17% CEO Jamie Dimon. Asner seemed more than glad to take on his role. "To play a national icon like Warren Buffett and to work with [director] Curtis Hanson, I leaped at the chance. The role is not prepossessing, but it’s my first time on HBO, so I liked that. I really respect them," he toldEntertainment Weekly. |