
????克里斯蒂安?貝爾即將在一部新電影中扮演已故蘋果CEO史蒂夫?喬布斯。下面我們來認識五位曾在大熒幕中扮演過公司高管的電影明星,看看他們與真實世界中的喬布斯、巴菲特和扎克伯格有多少相似之處。 ????演員克里斯蒂安?貝爾將在一部新電影中扮演已故蘋果公司(Apple)CEO史蒂夫?喬布斯。影片將展示這位科技界大亨從大學肄業生到商界偶像的蛻變之路。 ????這個角色需要一定的莽撞、消沉和得意洋洋,才能表現出喬布斯的職業發展軌跡。好萊塢一直喜歡在大銀幕上演繹商界領袖們的陰謀詭計,這部影片只是其中之一。 ????《財富》雜志(Fortune)決定回顧一下其他曾飾演過真實公司高管的明星。以下是其中最為著名的五位。 ????1. 艾什頓?庫徹飾演史蒂夫?喬布斯 |
????Actor Christian Bale will play late Apple CEO Steve Jobs in an upcoming film that traces the technology mogul’s rise from a college dropout to business icon. ????The role will require a certain brashness, despondence and elation in keeping with the trajectory of Jobs’ careers. It is just one example of Hollywood’s long obsession with portraying the machinations of business leaders on-screen. ????Fortune decided to take a look at some other stars that have played real executives from the corporate world. Here’s some of the top examples. ????1. Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs |

曾參演《70年代秀》(That 70's Show)的艾什頓?庫徹在2013年的電影《喬布斯》(Jobs)中飾演已故蘋果公司CEO史蒂夫?喬布斯。但這位喜劇演員卻并未打動喬布斯生前好友。例如,蘋果聯合創始人史蒂夫?沃茲尼亞克對他的表演并不認可。他對美國廣播公司新聞網(ABC News)表示:“我對這部電影抱有很高的期望,但我不得不說,它令我失望,我感覺影片太過平淡。” |
????Ashton Kutcher of "That 70's Show" fame played the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs in the 2013 film "Jobs.' But the comedy man was met with some pushback from those close to Jobs. Co-founder Steve Wozniak, for example, was not impressed. "I had such high hopes for this movie and, oh, it was so hard to say that it let me down a bit and it fell a bit flat," he told ABC News. |