????Workday公司 ????收入:4.689億美元 ????總部所在地:加利福尼亞州普萊森頓 ????員工數:3100多人 ????這家云技術財務和人力資源軟件供應商絕非一家枯燥無味的公司。在仁科公司(PeopleSoft)取得成功后,聯合創始人大衛?達菲爾德建立了這家財務和人力資源解決方案提供商,它有700多名企業客戶,其中不乏摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、耶魯大學(Yale University)和惠普(HP)這類擁有金字招牌的主顧。根據Workday的彈性無限制帶薪休假政策,只要完成了項目并且取得管理層同意,美國辦公室的員工們——他們叫做“工作伙伴”——需要休息多長時間就可以休息多長時間。每逢周五,該公司會在餐廳開雞尾酒會,辦公室還擺放著不少電子游戲機。美國員工還可以通過一個名為“Sprint to Europe”的業務交流項目,到Workday的慕尼黑和都柏林辦事處待上一個月。一位員工說:“管理層建立的文化促使我們深切地感受到,能為這家公司工作是一件多么令人高興和自豪的事情。實際上,我會盼著星期一早點兒到來。” |
????Workday ????Revenue: $468.9 million ????Headquarters: Pleasanton, Calif. ????Employees: more than 3,100 ????Cloud-based finance and HR software provider Workday is no work-a-day company. Following the success of PeopleSoft, co-founder Dave Duffield built a company that assists more than 700 clients like Morgan Stanley, Yale University, and H-P, with finance and HR solutions. As long as projects get done and managers approve, U.S. employees—“Workmates,” as they’re known—can take as much time off as they need with a flexible, unlimited paid-time-off policy. There are also Cantina Cocktail Fridays and arcade games at the office. A “Sprint to Europe” work exchange program allows employees to spend a month abroad in Workday’s offices in Munich and Dublin. “The executive team has created a culture that makes you happy and proud to work for Workday,” says one employee. “I actually look forward to Mondays.” Read the Great Rated! reviewhere. |