
iPhone 6:實實在在的“升級”

iPhone 6:實實在在的“升級”

Jason Cipriani 2014年10月10日
為了吸引轉投安卓陣營的用戶,蘋果今年推出了有史以來最大的iPhone。這一決定的利弊究竟如何?《財富》對它們進行了一番評測。基本結論是:iPhone 6和6 Plus堪稱蘋果有史以來最好的智能手機產品。

????比如,使用一款移動應用時,iPhone 6和6 Plus支持用水平劃動來控制“前進”和“后退”,實現輕松導航。另外,開發者還可以在應用中加入iPhone 6 Plus處于橫屏模式時即可激活的雙屏界面。這種視圖效果有點像你在iPad上看到的那種效果,只不過小了一些。

????“可達性”是另一個在以前歷代iPhone上都沒有的功能。只要輕點兩下Home鍵(不是按下去),這個功能就會把屏幕的上半頁拉到底部,這樣一來,你就不用糾結于大拇指夠不著屏幕最遠端的圖標了,這個功能是為了避免雙手操作大屏的不便。雖然一開始我稱它是個“噱頭”,但在測試中,我漸漸開始欣賞起這個功能來,尤其是在更加大屏的iPhone 6 Plus上。

????為了示好安卓陣營的用戶,蘋果最新的iOS 8系統也開始在通知中心添加小部件了。iOS不支持小部件歷來是安卓發燒友嘲笑果粉的談資之一。但是憑借最新的iPhone,蘋果終于在這方面追平了對手。

????iPhone 6和6 Plus還支持蘋果的Apple Pay移動支付服務。可惜這個功能直到本月月底才能上線,所以我沒能親身評測它。

????那么續航時間呢?可以說iPhone 6和6 Plus的續航能力都令人滿意。在測試中,我的iPhone 6撐過了一整天的重度測試,剩下的一點電量還能撐到將近第二天中午。6 Plus的待機時間甚至還要再長一兩個小時。如果你經常出差的話,你對這兩款iPhone的續航表現應該會比較滿意——如果你租來的車的杯托放不下這款新iPhone,你可別抗議就是了。

????而這也正是我測試的最后一個項目:便攜性。如果你是iPhone 5或5S的用戶,那么稍大一些的iPhone 6只需要你稍微調整一下自己的著裝習慣。它應該恰好能放進你的牛仔褲口袋里——至少對大多數人都是這樣。

????更大屏的iPhone 6 Plus則是另一回事了。它沒法完全隱藏在牛仔褲口袋里,往往會露出一截。而且如果你坐下前沒把它拿出來,你會很快意識到它的存在。(對于關心“掰彎門”話題的讀者,我只說一句:在我的評測過程中,并沒有一部iPhone受到了損傷。)

????iPhone 6和6 Plus都能裝進我的西服前胸口袋和休閑褲口袋。




????For example, the new devices allow you to swipe in from either edge of the screen for easy navigation, forward or backwards, within a mobile application. Developers can now add a two-pane view to apps, activated when you rotate the iPhone 6 Plus into landscape mode. The new view is similar to what you’d see on an iPad, only smaller.

????“Reachability” is another feature that you would not have seen on earlier, smaller iPhone models. Activated by quickly tapping (not pressing) the home button twice, the feature pulls the top half of the screen down and places the furthest on-screen buttons or icons within a thumb’s reach. The point of the feature, which I initially had pegged as a gimmick, is to eliminate the need to use two hands to manipulate the larger device. In testing, I came to appreciate it, especially on the larger iPhone 6 Plus.

????In a bid to woo those coveted Android users, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 8, incorporates widgets—the term used for miniature applications that draw on information from larger ones—in its Notification Center. The absence of widgets in iOS is something for which passionate Android users have long mocked about their iPhone-wielding peers. With the new iPhones, Apple finally evens the score.

????The new phones also come with support for Apple Pay, the company’s new mobile payments service. Unfortunately, the feature won’t go live until later this month, so I was unable to test it.

????And what of battery life, you ask? Satisfactory for both. During testing, I was able to pull the iPhone 6 through a day of heavy usage with enough juice left over to carry into the early lunch hour on day two. The 6 Plus, meanwhile, was able to power through the same amount of time with a couple of hours to spare. If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll be pleased with the phones’ performance—just don’t cry foul when one doesn’t fit into the cup holder of your rental car.

????Which brings me to my final point: portability. If you’re an iPhone 5 or 5S user, the larger iPhone 6 requires only minor adjustment to your habits. It should slide right into the back pocket of your favorite pair of jeans, at least for most people.

????The much larger iPhone 6 Plus is a different story. It doesn’t completely disappear into a back jeans pocket, and you’ll be promptly reminded of that fact when you forget to remove it before sitting down. (And for those of you who are concerned about bent iPhones, I say only this: No iPhones were harmed in the making of this article.)

????Both models fit just fine into the breast pocket of my suit jacket as well as the front pocket on a pair of slacks.

????With larger sizes and a collection of minor improvements, can Apple’s latest iPhones woo Android users back into the fold? It’s possible, though Apple’s new devices seem to merely close the gap between the two warring factions.

????In truth, I wonder about Apple’s millions of existing customers that will be forced to upgrade to a larger phone. As I tested both devices, I found it a struggle to retrain my mind and hand to adapt to using a larger device. It’s a matter of personal preference, and I’m told it gets easier with time. But if phone-tablet hybrids truly are the future of personal computing, count me out, at least for the time being. I just can’t wrap my hand around it.

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