????梅格?惠特曼比任何人都清楚,一家公司強大與否取決于其團隊。2011年,梅格?惠特曼接掌陷入困境的科技巨頭惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard),擔任首席執行官,在那之前,公司已經走馬燈似得更換了多位首席執行官?,F在,她正籌備將這家有75年歷史的公司拆分成兩家獨立的公司,未來,她會更專注于培養員工。 ????在加利福尼亞州尼格爾湖舉辦的“最具影響力商界女性峰會”(the Most Powerful Women Summit)上,惠特曼對《財富》雜志(Fortune)資深編輯帕蒂?塞勒斯表示:“繼任計劃絕對是關鍵。1939年,25歲的比爾?休利特與戴維?帕卡德成立了這家公司,之后他們持續經營公司達50年。他們離開之后,公司的繼任計劃并沒有取得他們希望的結果。在過去15年間,公司更換了大約7位CEO。這便產生了一個基本的問題:不同的CEO有不同的戰略和不同的方法,可以說,公司一直在不同戰略之間搖擺不定?!?/p> ????此次采訪前幾個小時,惠普宣布將企業硬件與服務業務和PC與打印機業務拆分。按照她所說的繼任計劃,惠特曼向董事會承諾,新成立的惠普企業公司(Hewlett Packard Enterprise )的CEO將從內部挑選。她將擔任惠普企業公司的領導人,并擔任PC與打印機公司[即惠普公司(HP Inc)]的董事長,后者將由公司內部挑選的迪恩?威斯勒負責運營。 ????她說:“在這個急速變化的時代,像我曾經歷的那樣從外部空降然后去慢慢了解五個新業務,并非正確的做法?!?/p> ????惠特曼向分析師承諾,拆分后的兩家科技公司將以成為“兩家《財富》50強公司”為目標?;萏芈媱濐I導的惠普企業公司在2013年的收入約為584億美元。硬件業務拆分后的惠普公司去年的收入為572億美元。在拆分之前,母公司計劃裁員55,000人。 ????2011年,惠特曼接掌惠普時,為了幫助這家陷入困境的科技公司扭轉局面,她提出“一個惠普”的口號。現在,惠普的局面略有改善,她卻顛覆了自己的立場,致力于提高拆分后的新公司的競爭力。 ????在周一上午的盈收電話會議上,惠特曼表示:“靈活是制勝的唯一途徑。三年前,公司的處境非常困難,我們當時需要進行重建,需要堅持‘一個惠普’的戰略。” ????惠普宣布拆分的消息之前不久,惠特曼的兩個老東家eBay和寶潔(Procter & Gamble)也剛剛宣布拆分計劃。2002年,eBay收購即將被拆分的PayPal時,惠特曼便是eBay的CEO(她說:“那是史上最偉大的收購之一。”),現在這家公司計劃將支付系統與網站拆分開來。而另一家惠特曼初入職場時曾擔任過品牌經理的公司——寶潔,兩個月前剛宣布將剝離超過半數品牌。 ????惠普拆分的消息傳出之前,有報道稱,該科技公司正在與競爭對手EMC公司談判合并事宜。在接受塞勒斯采訪時,惠特曼并未徹底排除兩家公司合并的可能性。 ????她說:“[我們的并購策略]在很大程度上以回報為基礎,主要看是否符合股東的最大利益?!?/p> ????在為惠普企業公司組建新團隊的同時,惠特曼必須組建一個新的董事會。惠特曼稱惠普目前的董事會是“美國最好的董事會之一”,她表示自己是“情景領導理論的堅定支持者。”她補充道,并非所有人都適合在處于轉型期的公司工作。最近,惠特曼寫到,在惠普這樣一家轉型中的公司,你需要聘請具備特定技能的人。 ????惠特曼說:“這些技能與普通公司所需要的技能截然不同?!?/p> ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????Meg Whitman knows better than anybody that a company is only as strong as its team. When the CEO of Hewlett-Packard HPQ -4.48% took over the struggling tech giant in 2011, she was one of a handful of new chief executives who had come and gone. Now, as she works to split the 75-year-old company into two separate firms, she is focused more on her staff more than ever. ????“Succession planning is absolutely essential,” Whitman told Fortune Senior Editor At Large Pattie Sellers Monday night at the Most Powerful Women Summit in Laguna Niguel, California. “Bill Hewlett and David Packard founded the company when they were 25 years old in 1939 and they ran the company for 50 years… When they left the succession planning was not what you would hope it to be. Over the course of the last 15 years there has been about 7 different CEOs. This is the fundamental problem: The CEOs had different strategies, different approaches and the organization sort of went from strategy to strategy.” ????Whitman spoke just hours after HP announced plans to separate its enterprise hardware and services business from its PC and printer business. With succession planning top of mind, Whitman promised her board that the CEO of the newly named Hewlett Packard Enterprise would come from within. She will lead the enterprise company, and serve as chairman of the PC and printer company, named HP Inc, which will be run by company insider Dion Weisler. ????“To come from the outside as I did and learn five new businesses in a time of incredible change is not the right thing,” she said. ????The CEO promised analysts that the two tech companies will aim to be “two big Fortune 50 companies.” Hewlett Packard Enterprise, the business Whitman plans to lead, earned about $58.4 billion in revenue in 2013. Hardware spinoff HP Inc. earned $57.2 billion in revenue last year. Before it splits, the parent company plans to layoff55,000 employees. ????When Whitman took over HP’s helm in 2011, she touted a message of “One H-P” as being integral to turning around the struggling tech company. Now that HP finds itself in a slightly stronger position, she has reversed her position to make the new separate companies more competitive. ????“Being nimble is the only path to winning,” Whitman said on a Monday morning earnings call. “Three years ago, this company was in a fairly difficult position and we needed to rebuild and we needed to do that as one H-P.” ????The news of HP’s pending separation comes in the immediate wake of splits at two of Whitman’s alma mater companies: eBay and Procter & Gamble. Whitman was CEO of eBay when it acquired soon-to-be spinoff PayPal in 2002 (“one of the all-time greatest acquisitions,” she says), and now the company will separate the payment system from its website. Whitman began her career at P&G as a brand manager, and the company announced two months ago that it is getting rid of more than half of its brands. ????Before the news of HP’s split into two companies, the tech company was reportedly in talks to merge with sometimes-rival EMC EMC -1.16% . In the interview with Sellers, Whitman did not rule out the possibility entirely. ????“[Our M&A strategy] is very much returned base and what is in the best interest of shareholders,” she said. ????As she looks to build out HP Enterprise’s new staff, Whitman must tackle building out a new board. Calling HP’s current board “one of the best boards in America,” she says she is a “big believer in situational leadership.” Not everybody is fit to work with a company during a turnaround, she added. A contributor of Fortune’s newly launched MPW Insider Network, Whitman wrote recently that when you are at a turnaround company like HP, you need to hire people with a particular skill set. ????“Those skills are probably not the same as the skills you need when it’s business as usual,” says Whitman. |