微軟增長的關鍵:不是新Windows 10,而是云業務
????美國時間9月30日上午,微軟(Microsoft)發布了其最新旗艦操作系統Windows10技術預覽版,并重新引入久違的開始菜單,關于此消息已有諸多報道。新的操作系統可能在Windows 8基礎上提供人們期待的改進,但不太可能使微軟重振往日作為計算設備首選操作系統的輝煌,尤其是在當今這個平板電腦和智能手機很大程度上取代了PC機的時代,這肯定是不可能的。 ????而微軟有望實現較大增長的領域其實是云業務,如Azure(管理業務應用程序的平臺)和Office365(標志性云端企業生產力軟件套裝)。公司最新財報顯示,商業云服務的營收增長了147%,年化運營收入逾44億美元。 ????7月份,新任首席執行官納德拉在與投資者的電話會議中表示:“我們的云操作系統是微軟最佳的增長機遇”。納德拉曾擔任微軟云和企業業務執行副總裁,難怪他看好該業務。自今年初接任首席執行官以來,納德拉對公司進行了重組,并將出售微軟的云基礎架構和應用程序作為頭等要務。 ????納德拉還發掘出在微軟擔任高管多年的斯科特?格思里接任自己原來的職位。《財富》雜志近日采訪了格思里,問及納德拉掌舵期間微軟發生的一些變化、與亞馬遜的競爭以及微軟云產品與眾不同的地方。 ????財富:您的職責發生了什么變化? ????格思里:我在2月份接任微軟云和企業業務執行副總裁一職,與薩蒂亞上任首席執行官是同一天。薩蒂亞談論的一個主題是,我們如何在一個以移動為本、以云為本的世界生活。我認為,微軟云和企業集團最近兩三年一直非常注重這一使命。我們不斷轉變業務,旨在真正實現這一愿景。我主要關注的問題是,如何進一步加速該進程?我們如何在這條道路上繼續走下去?我們如何從顧客出發,并為顧客創造一套他們在這個以移動為本、以云為本的世界真正想要的產品?如何提供獨特的差異化產品? |
????Much has already been written about Microsoft’s new Windows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lost Start button after the company unveiled its updated flagship operating system on Tuesday morning. The new OS may provide a much-needed advance over its predecessor, Windows 8, but it is unlikely to restore Microsoft MSFT -1.22% to its former glory as the operating system of choice for computing devices—certainly not in an era where tablets and smartphones have largely supplanted the PC in terms of attention. ????Where Microsoft is seeing a lot of growth, though, is in its cloud-based businesses like Azure (a platform for managing business applications) and Office 365 (the cloud-based version of its signature productivity software suite). In the company’s most recent earnings report, revenue from commercial cloud services grew 147%, representing an annualized run rate of over $4.4 billion. ????“Our Cloud OS represents the fastest growing opportunity for Microsoft,” newish CEO Satya Nadella said during a call with investors in July. It’s no wonder Nadella, the former executive vice president of Microsoft’s cloud and enterprise group, is bullish on the business. Since taking over the top job earlier this year, he has reorganized the company and made selling Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and applications a priority. ????Nadella also tapped Scott Guthrie, a longtime Microsoft exec, for his old role. Fortune recently caught up with Guthrie to ask about some of the changes under Nadella, the competition with Amazon, and what differentiates Microsoft’s cloud products. ????Fortune: How has your role changed? ????Guthrie: I took over in February, I think the same day Satya became CEO. One of the things that Satya talks about is how we’re living in a mobile-first, cloud-first world. I think the cloud and enterprise group in Microsoft has been very focused for the last two or three years on that mission. We’ve been in the process of transforming our business to really embrace that. I’d say a lot of my focus has been around, how we accelerate that even further? How do we move down that path? And then, how do we embrace customers and build the set of products that they really want in this mobile-first, cloud-first world, and provide a uniquely differentiated offering that we think only we can provide? |