????社交網站Ello剛剛上線五個星期,但它已經給很多人留下了深刻的印象。上周該網站的注冊人數激增,尤其受到同性戀圈、音樂界人士,還有德國人(最后這一點應該是個隨機現象)的追捧。它還在繼續進軍互聯網的其它角落。該公司的聯合創始人保羅?巴德尼茨表示,現在Ello每小時都會收到4萬個新的注冊申請,該網站不得不多次對新用戶邀請進行限制,以避免服務器崩潰。超過100萬人還在排隊等待進入Ello,這甚至比Ello上現有的用戶還多。 ????對于任何軟件開發者來說,能有這樣高的關注度真是死也值了。那么這幾個佛蒙特州的家伙,憑著一個界面還很簡陋的山寨版Tumblr,是怎樣創造出讓這么多人為之瘋狂的奇跡的?答案是:憑借一份宣言和一個敵人。Ello拒絕廣告,也不喜歡靠廣告吃飯的Facebook。該公司的宣言稱:“你們的社交網絡實際擁有者是廣告商,你們都是被買賣的貨物。“ ????在這篇雄文的末尾,用戶能看到兩個按鍵。點擊“我同意”,你就進入了注冊頁面。點擊“我不同意”,你就進入了Facebook。真是一個巧妙的小花招。 ????在討論這款應用時,你幾乎很難打斷巴德尼茨慷慨激昂的演講雅興。他在接受《財富》(Fortune)采訪時表示:“我想改變這個世界。我想證明廣告并不是在互聯網上掙錢的唯一方法。互聯網之所以變糟,之所以有這些數據搜集問題和隱私問題,跟廣告這種掙錢模式有莫大關系。”而幾十萬人已經團結一心,在Ello上選擇了“我同意”。 |
????The social networking site Ello is just five weeks old, but damn if it hasn’t made an impression. In the past week, the site has exploded on social media, starting with the LGBTQ community, the music industry, and—somewhat randomly— Germans. It continues to expand to various other corners of the Web. Today, 40,000 new signup requests are pouring in each hour, according to co-founder Paul Budnitz. The site had to temporarily cap new user invitations several times to keep from crashing. More than a million people are waiting to get into Ello, which is more people than are actually onEllo. ????It’s the kind of attention any app developer would die for. How did a handful of guys in Vermont, with a bare-bones Tumblr knockoff, create the latest Web craze? Answer: Launch with a manifesto and an enemy. Ello refuses ads and dislikes Facebook for doing the opposite. “Your social network is owned by advertisers,” its manifesto declares. “You are the product that’s bought and sold.” ????At the bottom of the screed, users are offered two buttons. Click “I agree” and you end up on a sign-up page. Click “I disagree” and you arrive at facebook.com. A subtle burn. ????While discussing the app, it’s difficult to keep Budnitz from wandering into soapbox territory. “I want to change the world,” he says in an interview with Fortune. “I want to prove that advertising isn’t the only way to make money on the Internet. What’s screwing up the Internet and creating all the data collection problems and privacy issues has to do with advertising as a model on the Internet.” Hundreds of thousands of people have clicked Ello’s “I agree” button in solidarity. |