


Benjamin Snyder 2014年09月28日
除了這兩天剛剛爆出的iPhone 6 Plus“掰彎門”和iOS“升級門”以外,這些年蘋果還受到過不少“門事件”的困擾。


????2010年,有些剛剛購買了新發布的iPhone 4的消費者稱,當他們以某種方式持握iPhone 4時,會出現信號接收問題。據說這是因為他們的手擋住了手機內部的天線,導致手機無法接打電話。時任CEO史蒂夫?喬布斯激烈地為iPhone 4辯護,但他自己也承認,如果握住手機的左下角,可能會導致手機失去信號。為了解決這個問題,蘋果公司決定向用戶贈送免費保護套。喬布斯說:“這個問題被難以置信地夸大了,根本沒有什么‘天線門’。”

????1. Antennagate

????In 2010, some customers who bought the newly released iPhone 4 complained about reception problems when they held the phone a certain way. Allegedly, their grip blocked the internal antennae and prevented them from making calls. Then-CEO Steve Jobs vehemently defended the iPhone, although he admitted that it could lose reception if gripped by the lower left corner. As a result, the company gave out free cases to owners to fix the problem. "This has been blown so out of proportion that it's incredible," Jobs said. "There is no Antennagate."

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