
????很快,司機們就會在路上看到更多的法拉利跑車(Ferraris)從身邊呼嘯而過——在接下來幾年中,每年大約增加3,000輛。 ????據彭博社(Bloomberg)報道,法拉利之所以提高產量,是因為超級富豪(也就是那些可以毫不猶豫掏出130萬美元買一輛車的有錢人)的隊伍在不斷壯大,對法拉利汽車的需求與日俱增。 ????年產量從大約7,000輛提高到1萬輛的決策,是在該公司權杖交接之際做出的。下個月起,曾于2004年至2006年帶領菲亞特公司(Fiat)扭虧為盈的塞爾吉奧?馬爾喬內將執掌這家豪車生產商。 ????值得一提的是,法拉利正是菲亞特-克萊斯勒公司(Fiat Chrysler)旗下的品牌之一。 ????不過,法拉利并不會立刻增加這么多產量。這一過程將逐步實現,以保證市場對這一豪車品牌的需求維持在較高水平。 ????據彭博社報道,馬爾喬內上周四在意大利巴洛科舉行的一場活動上發言稱:“如果富豪階層不斷壯大,我們也得跟上腳步。”他補充道,如果“等候購車的顧客太多,他們會不耐煩的”。 ????擔任法拉利公司董事長長達23年之久的盧卡?克勞德洛?迪?蒙特澤莫羅在上周三辭職。過去,他曾希望將汽車產量控制在每年7,000輛,以維系該品牌僅限富貴人士享用的尊崇地位。但一向以樂于冒險著稱的馬爾喬內(正如他在菲亞特汽車公司的表現),打算改變這一策略。 ????該決定是法拉利自2013年5月以來的一項重大轉變,當時法拉利將年產量下調到7,000輛。據英國《每日電訊報》(Telegraph)報道,該公司在2012年的產量為7,300輛。 ????今年8月,一輛法拉利汽車在公開拍賣會上以史無前例的高價成交,凸顯了其超豪華品牌的地位。那是一輛法拉利250 GTO Berlinetta,制造于1962年至1963年,在加利福尼亞州的拍賣成交價為3,810萬美元。 ????隨著法拉利的增產,菲亞特-克萊斯勒公司預計將于10月進行首次公開募股,上市地點為紐約證券交易所。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 |
????Drivers will soon see more Ferraris passing them by on the road – about 3,000 more over the coming years. ????That’s because Ferrari is ramping up production as demand grows among the growing class of super wealthy (the one’s who can splurge on $1.3 million cars without a second’s thought), according to Bloomberg. ????The increased production to 10,000 annually from about 7,000 comes at crossroads for the company, too. Next month, Sergio Marchionne, who led a turnaround of Fiat between 2004 to 2006, will take the helm of the luxury car company. ????Notably, Ferrari is one of Fiat Chrysler’s brands. ????But the increased number of Ferraris isn’t coming all at once. It’ll happen gradually, ensuring that demand remains high for the premium automobile. ????“If that class increases, we should be able to follow them,” Marchionne said at an event in Balocco, Italy on Thursday, as quoted by Bloomberg. He added that “the waiting list will become too long, and people get tired” as a result. ????Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Ferrari’s chairman, resigned Wednesday after 23 years on the job. In the past, he said he wanted to limit production to 7,000 per year in order to keep it exclusive. But Marchionne is reversing that strategy with his signature appetite for risk (as in the case for Fiat). ????The decision marks an especially significant turnaround from May 2013 when the company reduced annual production to 7,000 cars. That was down from 7,300 in 2012, according to the Telegraph. ????In August, the Ferrari underscored super-luxury status when one of its cars became the most expensive sold at a public auction. A Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta, made between 1962-63, sold for $38.1 million in California. ????The move also comes as Fiat Chrysler prepares for an initial public offering that is expected in October and listing on the New York Stock Exchange. |