????本周一,社交媒體巨頭Facebook的市值一度越過2000億美元,躋身高端科技企業行列。但截至周二收盤,該公司股價小幅下跌,總市值稍低于該俱樂部的入門標準。 ????盡管如此,據Money報道,Facebook公司自IPO(即首次公開發行股票)以來,僅用兩年時間就越過了2000億美元門檻,速度快于谷歌、微軟和蘋果,公司的價值也超過了IBM、英特爾和甲骨文等傳統高科技企業。 ????就市值而言,Facebook公司目前在美國企業中排名第18位,在高科技企業中排名第5位。 ????但Money指出,值得注意的是,Facebook公司在啟動IPO之時,估值也遠遠超過了競爭對手。例如,Facebook在2012年上市后估值達到1000億美元,而微軟在1986年的IPO估值還不到10億美元。 ????蘋果公司名列榜首,市值為5870億美元,但他們歷時多年才達到這一水平。據MacRumors報道,2010年3月蘋果市值首次超過2000億美元,此時距離該公司IPO已近30年,同時也恰逢iPad面世之際。 ????緊隨蘋果之后的美國科技公司是谷歌(實際上,谷歌的整體排名為第三,前一位是埃克森美孚公司)。自2004年上市以來,谷歌用了近七年時間才達到2000億美元,現在其市值約為4060億美元。 ????下一家市值超過2000億美元的科技巨頭是哪家公司呢?根據CNN的報道,微軟在1998年達到2000億美元市值,距其上市近11年時間。 ????另外還有兩家高科技企業排在Facebook之前:市值2630億美元的中國移動和2050億美元的威瑞森,分別位列第9位和第17位。Facebook目前排在第18位。 ????截至9月8日Facebook市值首次突破2000億美元時,排名前20位的科技企業的完整名單如下:* ????1. 蘋果 ????市值:5890億美元 ????3. 谷歌 ????市值:4060億美元 ????4. 微軟 ????市值:3820億美元 ????9. 中國移動 ????市值:2630億美元 ????17. 威瑞森 ????市值:2050億美元 ????18. Facebook ????市值:2020億美元 (財富中文網) ????*上述信息根據道指狗股(Dogs of the Dow)的市值排名而編撰。 |
????Facebook’s value briefly passed the $200 billion mark on Monday, placing the social media giant in a rarefied club. By Tuesday’s close, however, it shares fell slightly, and the company’s market capitalization dipped just below the threshold. ????Still, Facebook reached the $200 billion mark in just two years since its initial public offering, faster than Google, Microsoft and Apple, according to Money.It’s also surpassed the value of legacy tech companies like IBM, Intel and Oracle. ????Facebook is now No. 18 on the list of U.S. companies by value. For tech companies, it’s No. 5. ????But interesting to note: Facebook was also worth much more at the time of its initial public offering than some of its rivals, notes Money. For example, Facebook was valued at $100 million just after its IPO in 2012, while Microsoft was below $1 billion for its IPO in 1986. ????Apple tops the charts with a market cap of $587 billion. But it took a while to get there. It first passed $200 billion on March 2010, according to MacRumors, nearly 30 years after its IPO – and around the time it introduced the iPad. ????Trailing behind Apple among U.S. tech companies is Google (it’s actually third overall behind ExxonMobil). Google, which took nearly seven years to hit the $200 billion mark after going public in 2004, has a market cap of about $406 billion. ????The next tech company to go well beyond the $200 billion mark? Microsoft, which did so in 1998, a little under 11 years after its IPO, according to CNN. ????Only two more tech companies rank above Facebook on the list: China Mobile at $263 billion and Verizon at $205 billion, which rank at the No. 9 and No. 17 spots. Facebook rounds out the list at No. 18 currently. ????Here’s a full list of the top 20 tech companies as of September 8 when Facebook first surpassed the $200 billion mark.* ????1. Apple ????Market cap: $589 billion ????3. Google ????Market cap: $406 billion ????4. Microsoft ????Market cap: $382 billion ????9. China Mobile ????Market cap: $263 billion ????17. Verizon ????Market cap: $205 billion ????18. Facebook ????Market cap: $202 billion ????* Information compiled from Dogs of the Dow which charts companies by market cap. |