????這種知識傳遞是雙向的。拉斯科夫認識在線零售商Wayfair公司CEO尼拉杰?沙赫,后者最近剛剛提交了上市申請。拉斯科夫主動向沙赫提出,他樂意幫助該公司完成繁瑣的上市流程。 ????不斷給予、分享、學習、反思的拉斯科夫,還是一家公司的經營者。Zillow與Trulia的競爭已經持續了9年。兩家公司合并后,Zillow的股東將占新公司的三分之二。我曾問他為什么最后Zillow變成了“捕食者”,而不是“獵物”。他表示:“因為我們的業務范圍更廣,而對方的范圍較為狹窄?!彼忉尫Q,Trulia的重點是待售房屋,而Zillow則提供所有房屋的數據,包括待售房屋和其他房屋。那么為什么要收購Trulia?他說道:“我之所以希望收購Trulia,是因為作為一家媒體公司,我希望擁有更多品牌。我們出售的是廣告,而不是住房?!彼囊馑际钦f,“貨架空間”越多,Zillow便能吸引更多購房者的關注,尤其是潛在購房者。 ????訪談即將結束時,我問他為什么會成為Twitter的瘋狂粉絲。他經常在社交媒體上開放地分享自己的動態,也經常大方地轉發其他人的信息。他的回答充分證明了作為一名CEO的學習能力。他說,風險投資公司Benchmark的投資人比爾?科爾利曾經致電Zillow公司董事長里奇?巴頓,詢問他對Twitter的看法。(科爾利后來投資了Twitter;巴頓與Benchmark一直保持聯系)。而巴頓則去詢問拉斯科夫的意見。拉斯科夫向一位了解Twitter的實習生請教。這位實習生將自己對Twitter的看法告訴了拉斯科夫?!拔遗c她交流了兩個小時?,F在她管理著一支5人團隊。”Twitter對于Zillow內部與外部溝通的社交媒體策略至關重要。拉斯科夫說道:“如果沒有一個社交媒體策略,公司什么也做不了?!彼信e了公司社交活動和季度收入電話會議這兩個例子。 ????接下來,拉斯科夫想學習什么?他說道:“我最近向她打聽過有關圖片分享應用Instagram的情況?!保ㄘ敻恢形木W) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????The knowledge transfer goes both ways. Rascoff knows Niraj Shah, CEO of the online retailer Wayfair, which recently filed documents with regulators for an IPO. He called him up to offer assistance in the arduous going-public process. ????Amid all this learning and giving and sharing and ruminating, Rascoff also is running a business. Zillow has been battling Trulia for nine years. I asked him how it came to be that Zillow, whose shareholders will end up with two thirds of the combined company, became the gobbler rather than the gobbled. “We are broader, they are narrower,” he said, explaining that Trulia focuses on homes that are for sale while Zillow provides data on all homes, for sale and otherwise. So why buy Trulia at all? “The reason I want to own Trulia is that as a media company I want to own multiple brands,” he said. “We sell advertising, not homes,” he added, meaning that the more “shelf space” the better for Zillow to attract the attention of home buyers and, importantly, potential home buyers. ????At the end of our conversation I asked Rascoff about his rabid embrace of Twitter. He is a frequent and open sharer on the social-media network, as well as a generous re-tweeter. His response speaks volumes about the CEO’s capacity for learning. It started, he said, when Benchmark investor Bill Gurley called Zillow Chairman Rich Barton to ask his opinion of Twitter. (Gurley later invested in Twitter; Barton has a longtime association with Benchmark.) Barton in turn asked Rascoff who in turn asked a particular summer intern who knew a lot about Twitter to teach him what she knew. “I spent two hours with her. Today she has a team of five people working for her.” And Twitter is critical to Zillow’s social-media strategy for both internal and external communications. “Nothing happens at the company without a social media strategy,” says Rascoff, citing companywide social events and quarterly earnings calls as two examples. ????So what’s next for Rascoff to learn? “I recently asked her to explain Instagram,” he says. |