????隨著美國電子商務交易接近零售總額的10%,越來越多的商家開始尋找既好用又能幫他們快速賣出商品的電商平臺。 ????從eBay的Magento電子商務系統、IBM和NetSuite等知名企業到規模較小的Shopify和Volusion等,很多科技公司都希望從中分一杯羹。但相對冷門的Bigcommerce正在悄悄引發關注并竊取市場份額。它吸引了超過7,500萬美元的風投資本,其中4,000萬美元來自企業家史蒂夫?凱斯的Revolution Growth公司。 ????僅過去6個月,這家誕生于澳大利亞的公司不斷從亞馬遜(Amazon)、貝寶(PayPal)、谷歌(Google)和Twitter挖角,其高管團隊的實力由此大大增強。同時,它還與行業領導者Magento公司簽署了一項備受關注的協議,后者承諾將為該公司引入數以千計的新客戶。它最近撤銷了舊金山新辦公室的租約,由于人員擴張非常快,如今公司需要的辦公空間已是當初預期的3倍。 ????“有些詭異的是,這跟馬克?貝尼奧夫創立Salesforce.com時的情形非常相似,這點地方根本不夠從事客戶關系管理(CRM)使用,”米奇?哈珀表示。他與聯席CEO艾迪?馬查拉尼在2009年創立了這家公司。 ????根據弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester Research)的預測,今年美國網絡商店的銷售額將達到2,940億美元,約為全國零售總額的9%。據弗雷斯特預計,到2018年,電子商務將占到全美零售總額的11%,約4,140億美元,其中通過平板電腦和智能手機進行的交易約占線上銷售額的20%。 ????迄今為止,Bigcommerce同名技術的吸引力就在于其簡單性,以及與商戶同步成長的能力。史蒂夫?凱斯說,“對于一些人來說,成敗即系于此。”凱斯以公司董事的身份為Bigcommerce提供美國創業趨勢方面的建議。“就在五年前,如果要打造一家有吸引力的網店,你需要花費幾十萬美元。如今,幾個小時就可以搞定,每月成本還不到100美元。” ????Bigcommerce在年銷售額100萬到200萬美元的小零售商中大受歡迎。如今年銷售額2,000萬到3,000萬美元的零售商群體也在迅速加入Bigcommerce。它大約70%的現有客戶同時擁有線下實體店。過去一年,Bigcommerce大力開發可同時應用于移動平臺和桌面電腦的自適應店鋪模板(Bigcommerce認為,設計是小型電子商戶的頭等考量),并積極拓展“相鄰”云服務的合作伙伴關系,比如會計、支付、客戶關系管理和薪酬管理領域。 |
????With U.S. e-commerce activity approaching 10% of all retail sales, more merchants are shopping around for easy-to-use platforms that get them selling online quickly. ????Plenty of technology companies are angling for a piece of the action, from established players such eBay’s Magento , IBM , and NetSuite to smaller developers including Shopify and Volusion. But relative underdog Bigcommerce is stealing mindshare and market share, fueled by more than $75 million in venture capital, including $40 million from entrepreneur Steve Case’s Revolution Growth firm. ????In the past six months alone, the Australian-born company fortified its senior executive ranks with high-profile hires from Amazon, PayPal, Google, and Twitter. It brokered a high-profile deal with Magento, the market leader, that promises to bring thousands of new customers to it. And it broke the lease on its new San Francisco office because it is hiring so quickly that it now needs triple the space it originally anticipated. ????“It’s eerie how similar this space is to CRM when Marc Benioff launched Salesforce.com,” said Mitch Harper, who co-founded the company in 2009 with co-CEO Eddie Machaalani. “The parallels are uncanny.” ????This year, online storefronts will generate an estimated $294 billion, or approximately 9% of all U.S. retail sales, according to forecasts by Forrester Research. By 2018, e-commerce will account for more than 11% of the total, or approximately $414 billion, with transactions made with tablets and smartphones accounting for about 20% of the online total, Forrester projects. ????Until now, the appeal of Bigcommerce’s eponymous technology has been simplicity and its ability to scale along with merchants as they grow. “To some, this will mean the difference between success and failure,” said Steve Case, who as a board member advises Bigcommerce on U.S. entrepreneurial trends. “Even just five years ago, if you wanted to create a compelling offering, it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now, you can get up and running in hours for less than $100 per month.” ????Bigcommerce does particularly well among small retailers generating $1 million to $2 million in annual revenue, although its following with those in the $20 million to $30 million range is growing quickly. Roughly 70% of its existing customer base also runs a bricks-and-mortar store. For the past year, the developer has worked hard on responsive storefront templates that work equally well on mobile platforms and desktops—design is the number-one consideration for small e-commerce merchants, it says—and on relationships with partners of “adjacent” cloud services from the accounting, payments, customer relationship management, and payroll management worlds. |