


Phil Wahba 2014-08-18

????梅西一直尤為擅長利用實體店面來促進電子商務的銷售業績,其方式是利用實體店來在線下單。而且這家零售商還將管理權下放,以便讓區域分店在進貨時有更多的話語權。梅西還開發了專門針對千禧一代的品牌,而且也讓其大城市的店面成為了一線奢侈品牌的站點,例如路易?威登(Louis Vuitton)和D&G,從而幫助吸引更廣泛的客戶群體來店光顧。

????其他業績稍遜一點的連鎖店也證明了重要性。彭尼正逐漸走出2012年的高端化路線實驗的陰影,該策略曾讓銷售業績一路狂跌。彭尼是李維斯(Levi Strauss)品牌和VF Corp旗下Lee品牌牛仔系列最為重要的銷售渠道之一。PVH的Izod也尤為倚重彭尼。(在彭尼深陷危機之時,VF、PVH和其他品牌給予了該公司極大的幫助,目的是為了保住這位重要的零售客戶。當時,彭尼的銷售業績每季度的下降幅度達到了25%)



????獨立零售分析人士瑪麗?德瑞斯科爾(Marie Driscoll)在最近為零售行業新聞通訊《The Robin Report》撰寫的一篇文章中寫道,“我們開始看到,百貨店打出了創意牌,這一點令人欣慰。形勢出現了逆轉。應該會很有看頭!”(財富中文網)


????Macy’s has been particularly deft at using its physical stores to bolster its e-commerce by using them to help fill online orders, and the retailer has loosened its structure to give regional offices more say in what they buy for the stores. It has also developed brands specifically for millennials, and made its stores in bigger cities home to true luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Dolce &Gabbana, helping it draw in a broader customers base.

????Other less successful chains have also proven how important they are. J.C. Penney, on the comeback trail after ditching its 2012 experiment of no sales and fancier wares, is one of the most important channels for Levi Strauss and VF Corp’s Lee brand of jeans. PVH’s Izod is also particularly reliant on Penney. (VF, PVH and others bent over backwards to help Penney out at the height of its crisis, when sales were falling 25% per quarter, lest they lose a major retail client.)

????For all its problems in the last two years, Kohl’s has twice as many stores as it did only a decade ago, and Sears’ problems are largely self-inflicted, analysts say.

????On the whole, department stores have finally woken up to the possibilities of e-commerce, and better in-store tech (Macy’s and Penney were among the first retailers to try out beacons in stores) While they continue to face challenges, not least of which is a secular drop in mall traffic, there are signs that department stores have rediscovered how to be relevant.

????“Thankfully we are beginning to see more creativity in the department store space,” independent retail analyst Marie Driscoll wrote in a recent post for retail industry newsletter The Robin Report. The pendulum is reversing. This could be fun!”


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