


Preetisha Sen 2014年08月14日

????4. 阿里巴巴創始人馬云是中國的超級巨星

????如果你認為蘋果創始人史蒂夫?喬布斯在美國人那里獲得了明星般的待遇,那么中國人對于阿里巴巴創始人馬云的尊崇則更是達到了無以復加的地步。在影片中的多個鏡頭中,馬云發表演講的體育場滿是其擁躉。在慶祝阿里巴巴成立十周年的聚會上,馬云并沒有像往常一樣身著西裝革履走上舞臺,而是打扮得像一位搖滾明星一樣,身著滿是鉚釘的紅黑相間皮夾克,戴著鼻環和長長的假發,沖上舞臺,唱了首動畫片《獅子王》的英文主題曲《今夜你能感受到愛嗎?》(Can You Feel the Love Tonight?)。馬云也因其勵志演講而聞名,其中有多場演講都被收入所謂的《記錄回憶錄》(docu-memoir)(華裔導演丁碧蘭拍攝的呈現華人歷史的紀錄片)。無論是在小公寓發表鼓舞士氣的演講,還是在眾多記者和投資者面前進行講演,馬云都在一刻不停地宣揚著阿里巴巴的潛力——即便是投資者一開始擔心阿里巴巴早期利潤偏低,并質疑其可行性的時候,馬云也是如此。埃里斯曼說:“是的,他看起來有點瘋狂。但最起碼,他似乎對這一旅程感到十分愜意。”而這一旅程的下一站便是盛大的,而且可能是創紀錄的IPO。(財富中文網)


????4. Alibaba founder Jack Ma is a rock star in China

????If you think Americans treat Apple founder Steve Jobs as a celebrity, that’s nothing compared to how the Chinese venerate Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who addresses stadiums filled with fans in several scenes in the film. At a party to celebrate Alibaba’s tenth anniversary, instead of taking the stage in a his usual suit-and-tie, Ma emerged singing “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” dressed like a rock star in a studded red and black leather jacket, nose earring and long blond wig. Ma is also known for delivering inspirational speeches, several of which are captured in the so-called “docu-memoir.” From pick-me-up speeches in the small apartment to presentations in front of crowds of journalists and investors, Ma continues to trumpet Alibaba’s potential—even as investors initially expressed concern about Alibaba’s low profits in its early days, and questioned its viability. “They called him crazy Jack,” Erisman says. “Yes, he seemed a bit crazy. But at least it seemed he was enjoying the ride.” Next stop on that ride: A huge, and possibly record-breaking, IPO.

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