Tom Huddleston, Jr.
????第15:礦產服務業 ????近來全球采礦業的增長速度放緩,導致其子行業也受到影響,礦產服務業的純利潤率從去年的12%跌至今年的10.5%。然而,包括巖心采樣和地質調查在內的礦產服務業顯然不像其他子行業那樣受到嚴重影響,因為它們的運營成本更低,這和那些必須花很多錢購買設備和能源的采礦者可不一樣。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 |
????15. Mining support ????Growth in the global mining industry has slowed of late, affecting this industry subsector, which saw its profit margin dip from 12% to 10.5%. However, support services, which include core sampling and geological surveying, clearly weren’t hit quite as hard as the rest of the industry because they have lower operating costs than mining operators that spend big on equipment and energy costs. |