????0xdata公司物理學家、黑客阿諾?康代爾 ????阿諾?康代爾從小就生長在一個科研氛圍濃厚的環境中。他出生于瑞士一個叫做下錫根塔爾的小村子,這個村子恰好位于擁有歐洲頂級粒子加速實驗室的保羅謝爾學院(Paul Scherrer Institute)和歐洲大陸最著名的科技院校蘇黎士聯邦理工學院(ETH Zürich)之間。在學習粒子物理學和超級計算機學期間,康代爾曾經在電腦上建立過宇宙的模型。后來他搬到美國加利福尼亞州,在斯坦福大學直線加速器中心的全國加速實驗室中工作(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory),后來又開始創業,成為Skytree公司的創始工程師,并且設計了幾套高性能的機器學習算法。現在他是Oxdata公司h2o數據分析平臺的核心開發者,他開發的這個h2o平臺,被編程社區GitHub的成員譽為最優秀的開源Java機器學習項目,而且它還可以兼容流行的統計編程語言——R語言。他在Oxdata公司的頭銜是“物理學家兼黑客”。——Robert Hackett |
????Arno Candel, Physicist and Hacker, 0xdata ????Arno Candel caught the science bug early. He grew up in Untersiggenthal, Switzerland, a small village wedged between a top particle accelerator lab at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zürich, continental Europe’s most prestigious technical university. Studying particle physics and supercomputing, Candel coded models of the universe on computers. After moving to California to work at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, he moved to the startup world, joining Skytree as a founding engineer and designing high-performance machine learning algorithms. At 0xdata he is a core developer on the data science platform known as h2o, which has been ranked the number one open-source Java machine learning project by members of the coding community GitHub. The platform enables deep learning and is compatible with the popular statistical programming language R. His title at the company? “Physicist & Hacker,” of course. —Robert Hackett |