虛擬現實頭盔Oculus Rift暫停在華銷售
????看上去,虛擬現實技術公司Oculus VR正在進行一次(非虛擬的)現狀檢查。 ????Oculus VR公司是虛擬現實頭盔Oculus Rift的生產商。目前在售的Oculus Rift僅是提供給游戲開發商的開發工具。據報道,許多中國客戶正在倒賣這一設備,而其唯一目的是從這種令人艷羨的技術上乘機撈點好處。看到這一情形,Oculus VR公司暫停了該設備在中國的銷售。 ????有趣的是,該公司是在社交新聞論壇Reddit上回答一名顧客提問時宣布這一消息的。該名顧客問到公司為何取消了中國區的預定訂單。消息的宣布人是公司的一名發言人,其網名為“TheTwistgibber”,職位是“Oculus VR公司客戶服務主管”。 ????“是的,很遺憾,由于倒賣行為頻發,我們不得不暫停該設備在中國區的銷售,”這名發言人說道。“我們需要確保不會有銷售者從中獲利,從而為合法的開發者提供充足的貨源。” ????該聲明還說道,公司正在試圖采取一些“替代性方式”,將設備“送達中國合法游戲開發商的手中”。這名發言人補充道:“如果您對該設備感興趣,我們善意地請求您,等Rift設備的消費者版本出來后再購買——這種等待是值得的。” ????公司同時提到,暫停銷售并非永久性措施,但是對此并沒有給出更多信息?!拔覜]有一個時間表,但我們會優先處理這項工作。我們高度重視開發商,”發言人補充道。 ????Oculus公司向《財富》雜志證實了這一消息,但拒絕提供更多信息。 ????據《財富》報道,今年3月份,Facebook曾表示愿意以20億美元的價格買下Oculus Rift。另外,今年早些時候,Oculus公司還在連鎖餐廳Chuck E. Cheese’s舉辦了短期的Rift設備體驗活動。(財富中文網) ????翻譯:朱毓芬/汪皓 |
????Looks like Oculus is getting a (non-virtual) reality check. ????Oculus VR, the maker of Rift, a virtual reality headset, has suspended sales in China after reports that too many customers are reselling the developer kits for the sole purpose of cashing in on the desirable technology. ????Interestingly, the company elected to announce the news on Reddit in response to a concerned customer asking about cancelled preorder sales in China. A company spokesperson with the username “TheTwistgibber” and the title “Customer Service Lead, Oculus VR” replied to the forum. ????“Yes, it is a bummer that we’ve had to suspend sales in China due to extreme reseller purchases,” said the spokesperson. “We need to make sure that we are doing what we can to make sure that resellers that are looking to flip our product for a profit are not taking stock away from legitimate developer purchases globally.” ????The statement continued that the company is looking into “alternative ways” to ensure that the kids are “getting into legitimate developer hands in China.” The spokesperson added, “If you are an enthusiast, we kindly ask that you wait for the consumer Rift. It will be worth the wait.” ????But the company also said that the suspension isn’t permanent, although more information is not available yet. “I don’t have any timeline, but we have made it a priority. We love our developers,” continued the spokesperson. ????Oculus verified the statement’s legitimacy to Fortune, although declined to add further information. ????Facebook FB -1.51% agreed to pay $2 billion to buy Oculus Rift in March, according to a Fortune story. Additionally, Oculus enjoyed a brief stint at Chuck E. Cheese’s earlier this year. |