????繼2010年推出谷歌電視、去年推出Chromecast電視棒之后,谷歌(Google)于上周三發布了Android電視。而亞馬遜(Amazon)則于今年四月推出了Fire電視。蘋果(Apple)還在繼續擺弄蘋果電視,現在已經出到第三代或者說是第四代產品,看你怎么算了。 ????上述設備都不大可能成為搖錢樹。蘋果電視去年一年的銷售收入為10億美元,僅為iPhone每個季度營收的三十分之一。 ????他們到底圖什么? ????咨詢公司Creative Strategies的本?巴佳林表示,答案就在本文所附的圖表里。這張圖表來自瑪麗?米克爾的互聯網趨勢幻燈片。從圖中可以看出,世界各地的消費者每天玩手機和看電視的時間要比用電腦的時間長。 ????以美國人為例,他們平均每天花2小時31分鐘玩手機,花2小時27分鐘看電視。 ????巴佳林上周二在 Rene Richie的Vector播客中說:“網絡和臺式機正在衰落。”填補空白的是智能手機以及傳統的電視屏幕這最后一塊沒有被征服的領地。 ????因此,蘋果、亞馬遜和谷歌正爭相打造與電視機頂盒緊密融合的智能手機平臺。 ????巴佳林說:“移動設備將成為門戶。我不打算同時擁有亞馬遜Fire電視盒子和谷歌Android手機。我也不打算同時擁有蘋果iPhone和谷歌Chrome電視盒子。” ????“大家擁有的手持設備將會勝出,成為最后的贏家。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航 |
????Google GOOG 0.22% on Wednesday unveiled Android TV, the successor to last year’s Chromecast dongle and the 2010 Google TV. Amazon AMZN -0.34% in April launched Amazon Fire TV. Apple AAPL 1.19% is still noodling with its Apple TV, now in its third or fourth iteration, depending how you count. ????None of these devices are expected to be huge money makers. Apple TV generated $1 billion in revenue last year, about a thirtieth of what the iPhone generateseach quarter. ????So why are they doing it? ????The answer, says Creative Strategies’ Ben Bajarin, can be found in the attached chart, taken from Mary Meeker’s Internet trends slide show. It shows consumers around the world spending less time in front of their PCs and more time looking at their smartphones and televisions. ????Americans, for example, spend an average of 2 hours and 31 minutes a day staring at their smartphones and 2 hours and 27 minutes staring at their TVs. ????“The Web and the desktop are diminishing,” said Bajarin Tuesday on Rene Richie’s Vector podcast. What’s filling the gap is the smartphone and the old stand by — the last unconquered territory – the TV screen. ????That’s why Apple, Amazon and Google are racing to build smartphone platforms that are tightly integrated to a box that sits next the TV. ????“The mobile will become the gateway,” says Bajarin. “I’m not going to have an Amazon Fire TV box and an Android phone. I’m not going to have an Apple iPhone and a Chrome TV box.” ????“The handset you own is going to be the one that wins out.” ????Follow Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Twitter at @philiped. Read his Apple coverage at or subscribe via his RSS feed. |