Benjamin Snyder
8.紅牛易拉罐車 ????紅牛是富含咖啡因的能量飲料,喝了以后會讓人覺得自己能飛起來。但看到一輛靈感來自于紅牛飲料罐的汽車同樣也會讓人精神一振。這輛大眾車頂著一個巨大的紅牛飲料罐。這家公司用它參加一些特別的活動,包括對多項汽車和摩托車賽事的贊助。(財富中文網) ????譯者:Charlie |
8.The Red Bull Mobile ????Drinking Redbull, the caffeine-fortified energy drink, makes you feel like you can fly. But seeing a Red Bull-inspired car provides its own energy kick. The car, a Volkswagen, has a giant drink can on its roof. The company brings out the vehicle for special occasions involving its many sponsorships of car and motorcycle races. |