4.奧斯卡?邁亞法蘭克福香腸車 ????這輛外形好像熱狗的汽車也許是迄今為止最受歡迎的品牌宣傳車之一,一部分原因可能是因為它已經服役了將近80年。這輛巨型香腸車誕生于20世紀30年代。從那時起,它一直在“誘惑”大眾去購買奧斯卡?邁亞(Oscar Mayer)的肉類產品。這家公司也在自己的網站上為這輛香腸車做宣傳,專門開通博客來講述這輛車在日常巡游過程中的刺激經歷。這個博客的名字叫“熱狗人部落格”,大家可以想到,里面的內容都和“熱狗車里的生活有關”。 |
4.The Oscar Mayer Weinermobile ????The hotdog-shaped vehicle may be one of the most popular brandmobiles to date, and that’s partly because it’s been around for nearly 80 years. First built in the 1930s, the large weiner-shaped car has been entrancing the masses to buy Oscar Mayer's meats ever since. The food company lauds the Weinermobile on its website, with a blog focused solely on the traveling hotdog’s daily escapades. Titled the “Hotdogger Blog,” it’s all about, you guessed it, “Life Inside the Wienermobile.” |