????而最具懲罰性、目前還沒有上市的一款設備叫Pavlok,這個名字是為了紀念經典條件反射理論研究之父的。它的發明者是梅尼西?塞西,這是一位在網上暴得大名的博主。之所以出名,是因為他曾經雇了一位女性,只要看到他不當心打開了Facebook就扇他一巴掌。Pavlok腕帶就是從這種試驗中打造出來的,而且正在幾百位用戶中進行測試(塞西稱,公司今年晚些時候會為此發布一個眾籌計劃)。 ????用戶可以通過設定自己的腕帶來改變很多習慣,既可以在瀏覽器里少開幾個標簽,也可以學會每天冥想。Pavlok的用戶可以給自己設定一個目標,同時選擇一位“仲裁者”。這位仲裁會收到一條短信,每天晚上七點對該用戶進行檢查。如果這名用戶沒有完成目標,腕帶就會傳給他們一陣震動,同時還會被從應用里扣錢。如果他們完成了目標,就能獲得彩票或現金之類的獎勵。塞西表示,這種腕帶從懲戒壞習慣開始,隨著時間推移開始逐漸獎勵好行為。他說:“負面回饋先讓你開始用上它,慢慢地正面獎勵幫助你養成好習慣。當你開始養成好習慣時,就可以取消懲戒措施,代之以正面的獎勵。隨后,當這個習慣逐漸變得自然而然后,你就不再需要它了?!?/p> ????這一波懲罰神器的浪潮可能最終也會像健康追蹤器一樣以被丟在一邊收場。但如果能借此改掉壞習慣,哪怕丟了也不代表失敗——這反而說明用戶成功改掉了壞習慣,再也不需要這么個玩意兒來看著自己了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:清遠 |
????But the most punishing device, not yet available in the market, is the Pavlok, its name a nod to the father of classical conditioning research. Pavlok was created by Maneesh Sethi, a blogger who became Internet-famous when he hired a woman to slap him every time he mindlessly opened Facebook. The Pavlok bracelet, which has been beta testing several hundred users, grew out of that experiment. (The company will launch a crowdfunding campaign later this year, Sethi says.) ????Users can program the bracelet to change a variety of habits, from opening fewer tabs in their web browser, to meditating every day. Pavlok users assign themselves a goal and choose a “referee,” who gets a text message to check in every day at 7 p.m. If the user hasn’t completed their goal, they get a shock through the bracelet and charged money through the app. If they complete their goal, they get rewards like lottery tickets or money. Sethi says the bracelet starts with punishment for bad behavior, and moves to positive feedback for good behavior over time. “The negative gets you started and the positive keeps the habit going,” he says. “As you start to succeed, you can take away the negative reinforcement and give positive reinforcement. And then the habit comes more automatic and you don’t need it at all.” ????This wave of punishing devices may end up with same high abandonment rates as fitness trackers. But in the case of breaking bad habits, abandonment doesn’t mean failure–it could mean users have successfully broken their bad habits and no longer need a device to judge them. |