??? 全世界75%的GDP與95%的人口不在美國。幾個世紀以來,貿易型國家始終能夠受益。全球GDP的構成正在發生重大變化,而我們需要對美國進行正確定位,使美國從中獲益。二十年前,美國約占全球GDP的27%;2010年為26%;據環球透視(Global Insight)預測,到2030年,美國占全球GDP的比例將降至24%。1990年,其他發達國家所占比例為50%,2010年為41%,截至2030年將降至29%。發展中國家(主要以中國為首)從1990年的23%提高到2010年的33%,截至2030年所占比例將達到47%。換句話說,20年后,發展中國家將占全球GDP的一半左右。我們必須從現在開始培養與發展中國家的關系。 ????選擇很簡單,也非常明顯。我們是否太過關注自己應該享受的權利和爭論,而忘記了讓美國成為一個偉大國家的根本——辛勤工作,數學與科學,技術能力,生機勃勃的經濟,目標感,自力更生而不是指責別人,自己掌控未來,既能為自己謀求利益,也從不忘記我們的集體目標。 ????世界上有些人,甚至有些國家,認為美國的時代已經結束。曾經的經濟和軍事強國已經開始沒落;我們無法解決內部的分歧,無法做出作為一個社會所需要的艱難選擇;我們在成就了偉業之后遺忘了那些成就我們的品質……我們不再有所作為。 ????我完全相信我們的政體是現存最好的政體。200多年的歷史證明,美國的政治體制是最具有可持續性、最能有效應對變化的制度,可以滿足每個人內心對于自由與包容的基本需求。但我們不能忘記,這個制度的長期穩定性,以及我們對于這個制度持久強度的信心,不能成為我們在面對世界巨變時不作為的借口。我們不能等到危機爆發的時候才去關心我們的集體目標。我們需要從現在就開始行動起來。我們需要一個齊心協力的政府,而不是一個離心離德的政府。(財富中文網) ????本文作者高德威是霍尼韋爾公司董事長兼CEO。 ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
??? About 75% of world GDP and 95% of the world’s population are outside the US. Trading nations have benefitted for centuries. Composition of world GDP is changing significantly and we need to position our country to benefit. Twenty years ago the U.S. was 27% of world GDP; in 2010 it was 26%; and by 2030, it will be 24% according to Global Insight. Other developed countries were 50% in 1990, 41% in 2010, and will be 29% by 2030. Developing countries (in large part led by China) have grown from 23% in 1990 to 33% in 2010 and will be 47% by 2030. In other words, developing economies will be about half of world GDP in 20 years. We have to be in there forging relationship now. ????The choice is simple … and stark. Are we so focused on our entitlements and our arguments that we’ve forgotten what made us great – that is, hard work, math and science, technical skills, a dynamic economy, a sense of purpose, relying on ourselves and not blaming others, taking personal ownership of our future, and being able to individually act in our self interest while not forgetting our collective purpose. ????Some people in the world, and some countries even, believe our time has passed. That a once great economic and military power has taken the first steps on the path to decline; that we cannot resolve our internal differences to make the difficult choices needed as a society; that having achieved greatness, we’ve forgotten what got us here … and can no longer act. ????I do believe our form of government is the best there is. It has proven over 200 years to be the most sustainable and responsive to change, appealing to the basic need for freedom and inclusion that resides in every person. We must never forget though, that the long-term stability of our system and our belief in the enduring strength of our system cannot be an excuse to not act when confronted by great changes in the world. We shouldn’t wait for the crisis to focus on our collective purpose. We need to start acting now. We need government that pulls together, rather than one that pulls apart. ????David Cote is chairman and CEO of Honeywell. |