索尼虧損慘重 加快重組步調力求擺脫困境
????明年對于索尼公司(Sony Corp)而言很可能又是困難的一年。 ????財報顯示,這家日本電子產品公司預計將于明年虧損500億日元(合4.89億美元),這個數字與分析師最初做出的公司將扭轉虧損、盈利590億日元的預測大相徑庭。 ????這家日本科技巨頭還表示,他們將于今年加快重組計劃,拆分一些無法盈利的部門。 ????索尼宣布,在截至2014年3月31日的2013財年中,公司已虧損12.5億美元。明年如果再次出現虧損,則意味著這家公司近六年來有五年都入不敷出。索尼在2012財年中曾經實現過415億日元(合4.06億美元)的盈利。 ????周四開盤前,索尼的股價已經下跌了將近5%。 ????索尼的低迷部分原因在于其消費品、比如電視機等的銷量下跌。智能手機和PS4游戲機強勁的銷售勢頭幫了索尼一些忙,不過還不足以彌補其他產品的虧損。 ????《華爾街日報》(the Wall Street Journal )指出,日元貶值在過去兩年中也拉了索尼一把。由于日元走弱,其他的日本跨國企業也從中獲利。不過隨著日元趨于穩定,日企恐怕難以繼續利用這個優勢。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 |
????The coming year will likely be another difficult one for Sony Corp (SNE). ????According to an earnings release, the Japanese electronics company is expecting it will lose ¥50 billion ($489 million), defying analysts initial projections that the company would turn a profit of ¥59 billion in the next year. ????The Japanese technology giant also said it will step up its restructuring plan this year and will leave some unprofitable segments. ????Sony announced it had lost $1.25 billion for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014. Next year's losses will mean the firm has posted losses in five out of six years. For the fiscal year ending in 2013 Sony posted earnings of ¥41.5 ($406 million). ????MORE: Car buyers are still waiting for the no-haggle revolution ????The company's stock price was down nearly 5% before the market opened. ????The downturn in Sony's fortunes can be attributed partially to the downturn in sales of its consumer products, such as televisions. Strong sales of smartphones and the Playstation 4 gaming console helped, but were not nearly enough to make up for other losses. ????The devaluation of the yen has also helped Sony's results over the past two years, the Wall Street Journal noted. Other Japanese multinational corporations have also benefited from the weaker yen, but with the currency now stabilizing, that strength will no longer be available. |