


Aaron Cohen 2014年05月13日

????12年前的2002年,也就是谷歌上市前的一年,時任傳媒巨頭維亞康姆公司(Viacom)CEO的梅爾?卡馬金造訪了谷歌公司(Google)的總部。卡馬金是一個傳奇廣告銷售人(此君可以說是《廣告狂人》中的唐?德雷伯的真人版),他在谷歌總部會見了谷歌的“三巨頭”埃里克?施密特、拉里?佩奇和謝爾蓋?布林。撮合這次會面的是在業內備受信任、人緣極好的艾倫公司(Allen and Company)風投家南茜?佩雷茨曼。

????谷歌的團隊在這次會見中向卡馬金解釋了網絡搜索廣告的收費機制,也就是說,只有當有人點擊了一幅廣告,廣告主才需要向谷歌付費。據《紐約客》(New Yorker )記者、《被谷歌:我們所知的世界末日》(Googled: The End of the World As We Know It)一書的作者肯?奧雷塔描述,卡馬金被這次演示震驚得目瞪口呆。最后,他總算意識到,谷歌將對按次收費的電視和廣告業形成多么重大的威脅,不禁惱羞成怒。









????尼爾森一直被視為一家權威評級機構,它的評級甚至可以左右一些企業和職業的生死。但互聯網的崛起殺了尼爾森一個措手不及,給康姆斯克(Comscore)這樣的后起之秀創造了空間。在日新月益的數字時代經歷了一番垂死掙扎后,尼爾森公司于2006年被幾家私募股權公司聯手私有化,并且挖來了通用電氣(General Electric)傳奇人物大衛?卡爾霍恩擔任CEO。2009年,卡爾霍恩又將麥肯錫媒體業務的高級合作人史蒂夫?哈斯克招至麾下,徹底重組尼爾森的評級業務,使之適應數字時代的要求。





????A decade ago, in the year before Google went public in 2003, then-Viacom (VIA) CEO Mel Karmazin, a legendary (if not Don Draper-like) ad salesmen, visited Goole's corporate headquarters, the Googleplex. Nancy Peretsman, the deeply connected and trusted Allen and Company investment banker, had set up the meeting between Karmazin and the Google management troika of Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin.

????At that session, the Google team explained how cost per click worked for the veteran outdoor, radio, and television salesman. Google (GOOG) advertisers only paid when somebody clicked on their ad. According to Ken Auletta, longtime New Yorker media correspondent and author ofGoogled: The End of the World As We Know It, Karmazin was dumbfounded by the presentation. Eventually he grew angry as he realized how threatening Google was to the historically under-measured television and radio industries.

????At that point, Karmazin turned to Google founders and summarized the growing tensions between traditional and digital media:

????"You guys are fucking with the magic," Karmazin said, according to Auletta's book.

????Perhaps no sentence better encapsulates the defensiveness of the traditional media business more than Karmazin's colorful observation. The executive provided ample commentary to support his thesis through additional quotes that Auletta meticulously documents in his book.

????"You buy a commercial in the Super Bowl, you're going to pay $2.5 million for the spot. I have no idea if it's going to work. You pay your money, you take your chances."

????On the topic of pay per click, Karmazin concluded:

????"That's the worst kind of business model in the world. You don't want to have people know what works. When youknow what works you tend to charge less money than when you have this aura and you're selling this mystique."

????While synonymous with the search business, perhaps Google's most significant legacy will be its organizational obsession with data-driven decision-making. Google's intellectual and strategic impact has encouraged the measurement of -- well -- everything. Today we count our steps, measure our investments, and create "advanced" statistics for our sports. How often do you and a colleague talk about how to measure the effectiveness of that deck, this meeting, or that conference?

????Google measures everything; the world has followed. Still not convinced? Consider how Nielsen (NLSN), among the world's oldest media companies, has changed.

????Long known as the official ratings firm, companies and careers have lived or died based on Nielsen's ratings. The Internet caught the company by surprise, creating room for upstarts like Comscore (SCOR). Struggling to contend with the rapidly changing landscape in digital, Nielsen was taken private in 2006 by a collection of private equity shops that eventually recruited General Electric (GE) legend David Calhoun as CEO. In 2009, Calhoun hired Steve Hasker, the top partner in McKinsey's media practice, to reinvent the Nielsen's measurement service for the digital age.

????Five years later, Nielsen has emerged as a digital trailblazer. The corporate strategy remains intact: Be the third-party measurement standard for the global $212 billion video advertising industry. However, technology has forced significant changes for the 40,000-person firm, given that there were only a mere four channels 30 years ago; 30 channels 20 years ago; 300 channels 10 years ago; and video programming everywhere today.

????The overwhelming share of global video advertising is purchased for traditional television programming. Nielsen's ratings have been the subject of frustration for decades of television history.

????Hasker and his team undertook two major initiatives to create more precise numbers.

????First, Nielsen created deep data partnerships with Facebook (FB), Twitter (TWTR), and Experian to make their panel reporting considerably more accurate. Among the original big data companies, Nielsen integrated massive new data sets by negotiating a Facebook partnership that validates the age, gender, and location of their panelists by accessing Facebook's 1.2 billion profiles worldwide. Nielsen maintains its representative panels (a notion that critics continue to loathe), but they now validate panelists with a variety of partnerships.

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