HTC One(M8)實測:最佳安卓手機要來了?
????全新HTC One被寄予厚望。臺灣公司HTC最近一直在苦苦掙扎,由于它的手機產品受到消費者的冷落,近幾年這家公司收入每個月都在減少。當蘋果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)正在全球智能手機市場捉對廝殺的時候,遠遠落后的HTC卻只能拼命尋找一款拳頭產品,來穩定自己的收入。 ????因此,三月底推出新HTC One手機并不是理想的時機。三星的新旗艦手機Galaxy S5二月份剛剛發布,并將在本周五正式發售,給HTC的慶典蒙上了一層陰影。不過,HTC有自己的殺手锏:新HTC One將在發布當天同步上市。 ????正如漫畫書中常說的:“看招吧!” ????HTC One M8的外觀與上一代類似。機身采用金屬外觀設計(有三種顏色可供選擇:金色、銀色和青銅色),運行最新版谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)操作系統(4.2.2 KitKat),比上一代增加了一個攝像頭,配有5寸1080p顯示屏。 ????M8配備四核高通(Qualcomm)驍龍801處理器和2G內存。這個組合使M8的運行速度遠遠超過去年的型號。在對M8進行測試時,筆者沒有遇到任何卡頓的情況,只有一次例外:在已打開的應用之間切換時。筆者點擊多任務按鍵時,在顯示九個不同應用的縮略圖之前會出現兩至三秒的延遲。 ????大多數版本的HTC One都采用專有的安卓皮膚——HTC Sense。M8首次運行HTC Sense 6.0版,其中有許多值得注意的新功能。HTC手機用戶對于BlinkFeed肯定已經非常熟悉,這個功能將用戶的社交摘要、日歷和最喜歡的主題聚合成一個扼要的信息流:而新版本還支持用戶通過Fitbit應用查看健康統計數據。(如果沒有健身記錄設備,M8還可以用作計步器。)此外,新版Sense中整合了Foursquare(注重本地的社交網絡)的餐廳推薦。通過手勢操作,用戶可使用六種手勢來執行某些日常任務——例如,在設備水平模式下按向下的音量鍵可以打開相機應用。雙擊屏幕,可以查看未讀提醒、時間和氣候。這是筆者最喜歡的新功能,在測試過程中一直在使用手勢。 |
????There is a lot riding on the new HTC One. The Taiwanese company has struggled mightily as of late, watching its revenue fall month after month over several years as its mobile devices fell out of consumer favor. While Apple and Samsung wage war over the global smartphone market, HTC is behind them, desperately seeking a hit that will stabilize its fortunes. ????For that reason, the late March debut of HTC's new One wasn't ideal. Samsung's new flagship model, the Galaxy S5, was announced in February and is set to arrive in stores on Friday, casting a long shadow over HTC's festivities. But HTC had a trick up its sleeve: It made the One widely available on the same day of its announcement. ????As they say in comic books: "Kapow!" ????The look of the new One -- code-named M8 -- is similar to its predecessor of the same name. It has a metal exterior (available in three colors: gold, silver and gunmetal), runs the latest version of Google's Android operating system (4.2.2 KitKat), has an additional camera over the previous model, and carries a five-inch, 1080p-resolution display. ????Inside, there's a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and two gigabytes of memory. The combination provides a much-needed speed boost over last year's model. In testing the new One, I rarely experienced any significant stuttering or sluggishness, with one exception: when I was switching between open apps. When I tapped on the multitasking button, there was a two- to three-second delay before the nine different app thumbnails would display. ????Most versions of the One come with HTC's proprietary Android skin, which it calls Sense. The new One is the first device to run version 6.0 of this software, and there are some new features worth mentioning. Owners of HTC phones are already familiar with BlinkFeed, which brings together your social feeds, your calendar and top interests into one, condensed stream of information; the feature now comes with the ability to view fitness stats using the Fitbit app. (Even if you don't own a fitness tracker of your own, the One doubles as a step counter.) Sense now integrates restaurant recommendations from the local-focused social network Foursquare. And Motion Gesture gives you the ability to use six different gestures to carry out certain mundane tasks -- for example, you can launch the camera app by lifting the device in landscape mode and pressing the volume-down button or you can see missed alerts, time, and weather by double-tapping the display. It's my favorite new feature, and I found myself using the gestures constantly during testing. |