????9. 你最近讀過的一本書是什么? ????方濟各就是弗朗西斯教皇。亞伯拉罕?斯科爾卡是一位猶太教教士。兩人是好朋友,弗朗西斯在阿根廷任大主教時,兩人合著了這本書。他們經常一起喝咖啡,討論當時的宗教問題。他們在許多問題上達成了共識,當然在有些問題上也存有分歧。我發現,凡是對比性的宗教研究都非常有意思。書中談到了人們的信仰結構和人們如何將自己的信仰合理化,引人入勝。人在讀這本書的過程中會發現書中的教皇與想象中完全不同。他是個很普通的人。他和斯科爾卡都非常精明,充滿了智慧。但這本書卻非常低調。不會讓人感覺到緊張刺激。 ????我最近在讀的另外一本書是布拉德?托爾的《黑名單》(Black List ),書中提到了IronKey!這本書之所以有趣,是因為書的主題是美國國家安全局(NSA)的惡劣行為。而且,這本書在愛德華?斯諾登事件之前就已經出版,所以更有意思。作者在書的開頭寫道:“這是一本虛構小說,但文中的科技都是真實存在的。”科技的能力真是讓人驚嘆。 ????10. 你有什么獨特的習慣或癖好嗎? ????我有幾個癖好。我在顏色和組織方面有些怪癖。這方面,我有一點強迫癥。我依然會把東西寫在紙上,我會把文件用不同顏色分類。我不喜歡雜亂無章的桌面;我希望桌面干干凈凈。所以,每次事情做完,我會把一堆用過的東西扔掉,作為對自己的獎賞。在習慣方面,我是《糖果粉碎傳奇》(Candy Crush )的粉絲,不過這算不上獨特。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????9. What was the last book you read? ????On Heaven and Earth by Jorge Mario Bergolgio and Abraham Skorka. You would know the first man as Pope Francis. Abraham Skorka is a rabbi. It's a book written by the two of them -- they were friends -- when the pope was an archbishop in Argentina. They would get together for coffee and discuss religious issues of the day. They agreed on some things and didn't agree on others. I find any kind of comparative religious studies interesting. It's fascinating to see what the belief structures are and how people rationalize them. When you're reading it, the Pope is a different guy from what you think of when you think of a pope. He's a normal guy. He and the rabbi are both very shrewd and intelligent, but the book is very low key. It's not intense. ????Another recent book I read was Black List by Brad Thor, and IronKey was featured in the book! It was kind of interesting because the general theme of the book is the NSA gone rogue. It was before the Edward Snowden event which makes it even more interesting. At the beginning of the book the author says, "This is a work of fiction, but all of the technology is real." It's pretty amazing what can be done. ????10. What is one unique or quirky habit that you have? ????I have several. I'm funny about color and organization, and I'm a little OCD that way. I still keep some things on paper, and I color code the files. I don't like a messy desk; I like it clean, so I reward myself by putting away the pile of stuff when it's done. In terms of habits, I'm a Candy Crush addict, but that's not unique. |