
谷歌操作系統Chrome OS前景如何?

谷歌操作系統Chrome OS前景如何?

David Nield 2014年03月17日
谷歌2009年就推出了自己的操作系統Chrome OS,但一直沒鬧出什么動靜。但現在,廉價Chromebook的興起再次激起了人們對谷歌這款小眾操作系統的興趣。盡管它的市場份額可能直到今年年初都還在1%左右徘徊,但這個小不點正在慢慢長大,尤其是在企業市場領域。

????那些大量投資于微軟Office和其它專利軟件的企業則是一個Chromebook很難打入的市場。弗雷斯特研究公司(Forrester)分析師JP?戈登曾經在2013年7月的一篇博客文章中指出,Chrome OS的確有機會“填補一塊合理的小眾市場”,也就是占領那些愿意分割勞動力、同時也愿意使用谷歌軟件的公司。戈登認為,Chrome OS的優勢包括運行時間長、服務成本低,而且新的應用和內容很容易就能大范圍部署。另外一些網絡方案帶來的協作便利性也是一個重要的加分因素。

????Chrome OS剛問世的時候,許多行業評論人士都很難說出這樣一個功能有限且高度依賴網絡的平臺有什么吸引力。但是隨著Windows8/8.1陷入低迷,加上蘋果筆記本依舊壟斷高端市場,Chrome OS的簡潔性突然得到了人們的關注。ZDNet的大衛?格維茨在今年一月寫道:“現在我開始向老百姓推薦Chromebook,而不是Windows的筆記本電腦。”

????總體上,分析師們對Chrome OS產品2014年能否繼續攻城略地持謹慎態度。NPD的貝克說:“我們認為Chromebook還沒有準備好在商用領域與PC進行充分競爭。到目前為止,他們在B2B平臺上的銷量主要還是圍繞著學校和政府機構,因為對于這些機構來說,Chrome OS的某些個別優勢成了他們購買Chromebook的一個重要因素——比如易于管理、多賬號登錄、維護及購置成本低、方便與其他谷歌設備兼容等等。”


????雖然在可見的將來,Chrome OS的占有率可能仍然比較低,但是它終于吸引了更多的眼球,其中還包括它的競爭對手,光是這一點也足夠讓谷歌高興一陣了。谷歌也肯定不會放棄Chrome OS。谷歌最新推出的Chromebox視頻會議系統除了提供了Google+環聊視頻會議功能和各種谷歌應用外,還提供了高分辨率的音視頻功能,整套視頻會議系統只賣999美元。




????For businesses heavily invested in Microsoft Office and proprietary desktop software, Chromebooks are a tough sell. Yet as Forrester analyst JP Gordon noted in a July 2013 blog post, they do have the opportunity to "fill a legitimate computing niche" for companies willing to segment their workforce and switch to Google Apps, at least in part. The benefits of Chrome OS cited by Gordon include high uptime, low service costs, and scalable deployment of new applications and content. The ease of collaboration provided by programs that live online is another important factor.

????When Chrome OS first appeared, industry commentators struggled to see the appeal of such a limited, online-dependent platform. With Windows 8/8.1 floundering and Apple (AAPL) laptops remaining at the premium end of the market, the simplicity of Chrome OS has suddenly become a strength: "I am now recommending Chromebooks instead of Windows laptops for civilians," wrote ZDNet's David Gewirtz in January.

????Overall, analysts remain cautious about Chrome OS's prospects for gaining further ground in 2014. "For business, we don't think Chromebooks are quite yet ready to compete fully with the PC in the workplace," NPD's Baker said. "Their success to date in B2B sales has been focused on schools and government organizations where some of the specific benefits of Chrome OS -- easy to manage, multiple sign-ons, low maintenance and acquisition costs, compatibility with other Google services -- are an important driver."

????"The announcement of the partnership with VMware to run legacy Windows will certainly make a Chromebook potentially more attractive to the commercial markets," Stice added. "They seem to be adequate low-cost devices for scenarios where connections are always available, such as the educational markets or in SMBs that are already heavily cloud-based. Take them out of that environment, and they are challenged by standard full performance PCs that can run Microsoft Office natively and have greater local storage."

????While Chrome OS take-up may remain low for the foreseeable future, Google will be pleased to have finally grabbed the attention of a wider audience, as well as its main rivals. It certainly won't be giving up on Chrome OS: Its new Chromebox for Meetings product wraps Google+ Hangouts video calling, Google Apps, and high-definition video and audio in a turnkey $999 setup for virtual conferences.

????What's more, the company has a beachhead on millions of competing computers across all sectors of the market. The Chrome browser for Windows, Mac, and Linux is installed on 16.22% of machines globally, while the Start screen version of Chrome is effectively Chrome OS running on Windows. What we can be certain of is that web apps will become more powerful at the same time as high-speed Wi-Fi becomes more ubiquitous -- which is all good news for one of Google's most daring projects to date.


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