????日產Juke ????目前,日產(Nissan)Juke對外觀風格進行重新設計,將目標瞄向歐洲市場,但并未宣布這個車型何時將在美國上市。這款車型最早在三年前推出,當時采用一種創新的外形,給人極端化的感覺。此舉受到消費者的認可。根據日產的統計,在40個月里,這款車的銷售量從零達到了42萬輛。如果對Juke的外觀進一步提煉并在美國推廣新版本,這家日本汽車生產商有望實現在美國市場追趕和超越本田的愿望。日產在全球各地市場都是第二大日本汽車生產商,但只有美國是個例外,這一點讓這家公司心有不甘。 |
????Nissan Juke ????For the moment, Nissan's Juke with freshened styling is aimed at the European market, with no announcement as to when it will hit the U.S. When the car appeared three years ago it epitomized an innovative shape that was polarizing. Consumers approved. Sales rose from zero to 420,000 in 40 months, by Nissan's reckoning. A decision to spruce up and promote a new version in the U.S. would likely help the Japanese automaker's desire to catch and pass Honda in that market. Nissan's brass has been frustrated by its status as No. 2 Japanese automaker worldwide everywhere but the U.S. |