????喬治?克魯尼 ????? 產品:奈斯派索咖啡 ????? 公司:雀巢 ????? 最受贊賞公司排名:第31位 ????這位演而優則導的好萊塢巨星享有極高的人氣。自2006年以來,他一直出演雀巢咖啡公司的廣告片。謝弗說,85%的消費者認識克魯尼(足足比一般的名人高出55個百分點),他的Q分值為22。這意味著,在熟悉克魯尼的人群中,有22%的人聲稱他是自己最喜愛的明星之一。奈斯派索的官網寫道,克魯尼“受到萬千粉絲和咖啡愛好者的傾慕,舉手投足散發著內斂、優雅而又不失率真的氣質。正是這些特質助推奈斯派索獲得今日之成就。” |
????George Clooney ????? Product: Nespresso ????? Company: Nestlé ????? Most Admired Rank: 31 ????The actor and director, who has starred in the coffee company's commercials since 2006, enjoys off-the-charts popularity. Schafer says 85% of consumers are aware of Clooney (a whopping 55 points above the typical celebrity) and that he has a Q Score of 22, which means 22% of the population of people familiar with Clooney say he is one of their favorite personalities. On its website, Nespresso says Clooney "has charmed fans and coffee aficionados as the perfect personification of the understated elegance and authenticity that make Nespresso what it is today." |