智能手表Pebble Steel真機初體驗
????不過,Pebble Steel設置起來非常簡單,只需要五分鐘。在使用iOS或是安卓系統的設備上安裝相應的應用之后,你就能用藍牙讓它們配對。連接建立后,手表就會顯示通知信息了。對使用iOS系統的設備來說,這些信息囊括了手機的通知中心里設置顯示的所有條目。對使用安卓系統的設備來說,你可以使用Pebble的官方應用,或是第三方的Pebble通知應用,控制每一個應用的通知顯示與否。 ????Pebble在Steel上采用的第二代操作系統擁有新的功能,改良了平臺性能。其中一個改進是能讓用戶瀏覽之前錯過的通知。之前的版本中,如果你錯過了一個通知,就沒法讓它在手表上重新顯示了,令人沮喪。現在你可以看到錯過的通知列表。 ????Pebble的應用商店也是新推出的,里面包含Foursquare、Yelp和GoPro這類公司制作的應用。盡管這個應用商店目前只支持iOS系統——但這家公司表示,“很快”就會推出安卓版本——但這些應用的納入讓Pebble的功能超越了顯示通知和播放音樂的范疇。(Pebble表示,等到Steel發布時,會有超過1,000款應用和手表皮膚。沒錯,大家可以下載手表皮膚。歡迎來到未來。) ????我最喜歡的應用名為“PebbleBucks”。這款應用會顯示你的星巴克賬戶余額和星巴克會員卡的條形碼,結賬時非常方便。我買了杯咖啡,第一次只用手表就完成了付賬,感覺就像我是從未來穿越回來的。(咖啡師看我的眼神也是這樣。) ????由于空間限制,手表只能同時存儲八個應用或手表皮膚。Pebble提供了“應用倉庫”功能,讓用戶保存喜愛的Pebble應用,希望借此減輕這個限制給用戶帶來的困擾。在將來的軟件更新中,我希望看到手表皮膚和應用能擁有專屬的存儲空間,而不是占用硬上限八個中的名額。 ????我們還是別在技術限制的問題上斤斤計較了。如果你希望擁有一塊看起來不像從運動包里掉出來一樣的“智能”手表,Pebble Steel會是一個不錯的選擇。大家從此不再需要從口袋里掏手機來查看每一條通知,這一點聽起來似乎無關緊要,但實際上并非如此。如果你不用時刻都把手機拿在手上,你就會發現自己變得更加放松。而這就是我們在高速更新的信息時代最需要的那類技術。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正 ???? |
????Nevertheless, setting up the Steel was a simple process that took about five minutes to complete. After installing the companion application on an iOS or Android device, you pair the two devices using Bluetooth. Once connected, the watch will begin displaying alerts. For those with iOS devices, that includes any alert that's set to show up in Notification Center. For those with Android devices, you can enable or disable alerts on an app-by-app basis using either the official Pebble app or a third-party Pebble notification app. ????The second version of the Pebble operating system, new with the Steel, brings new features and improvements to the platform. One such improvement is the ability to view missed notifications. Previously, if you missed a notification, there was no way to retrieve it on the watch -- frustrating. Now you can browse a list of them. ????The Pebble Appstore is also new, and includes apps from companies like Foursquare, Yelp, and GoPro. Though the Appstore is only available for iOS users -- Android is coming "very soon," the company says -- the inclusion helps Pebble's functionality stretch beyond the display of alerts or manipulation of music. (Pebble says there were over 1,000 apps and watch faces available at the Steel's launch. Yes, that's right, you can download watch faces. Welcome to the future.) ????My favorite app is called PebbleBucks. The app will display your Starbucks account balance and your Starbucks Card barcode, which is handy at checkout. The first time I paid for a cup of coffee using nothing more than my watch, I felt like I was from the future. (And the barista looked at me like I was.) ????The watch can only store eight apps or watch faces on it at any given time, owing to storage restrictions. Pebble tries to make this less of a burden on the wearer by providing an "app locker" where people can store favorite Pebble apps. In a future software update, I would love to see watch faces and apps have their own memory allocation, instead of both items counting towards the hard cap of eight. ????But let's not quibble over technical limitations. If you seek a "smart" watch that doesn't look like it fell out of a gym bag, the Pebble Steel is a fine choice. It may sound trivial to no longer have to reach for your phone for every alert, but it's not. When you don't have to have your phone in hand all the time, you find that you're more relaxed. Which is exactly the kind of technology we need more of in the update-happy world we live in. |