智能手表Pebble Steel真機初體驗
????在智能手機時代,手表的主要功能已經不再是顯示時間了。不過Pebble Steel可不是手表——它是“智能手表”。它不是一件時尚飾品,而是智能手機的擴展部件。手機的通知會發送到你的腕表上,只需瞄一眼,你就能決定有沒有必要從口袋或者包里掏出手機。 ????在今年的國際消費電子展(International Consumer Electronics Show)上,Pebble團隊沒有獲得展位,但這并不能阻止這家公司搶鏡的企圖。展覽第一天,Pebble宣布將發布新一代以公司名稱命名的智能手表。這款名為“Pebble Steel”的新產品使用了不銹鋼外殼,令人聯想起卡地亞(Cartier)標志性的Tank手表和Pebble團隊的第一款智能手表inPulse,同時也給這款產品平添了高貴氣質。在消費電子展上,無論我在和誰交談,關于Pebble Steel的話題總是占了大半。大多數情況下,人們主要關心的是:這款新手表是否配得上那250美元的價格。 ????我喜歡戴老款的Pebble,而且已經開始依賴它來提醒我接收重要的郵件或短信。盡管塑料外殼沒什么值得夸耀的地方(而且還容易留下劃痕),我卻沒有怨言。新款的Pebble Steel除了擁有金屬外殼,還采用了康寧公司(Corning)的大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass)來防止劃痕。時髦的智能手機屏幕使用的就是這種玻璃材料。新款的外殼比老款稍微小一點,但是質量更重。戴在手腕上的感覺則差不多輕便。我戴著它在城里走動的時候,陌生人和朋友們都會問到它。 ????Steel的防水等級是5 ATM(ATM意為“大氣壓”,壓力大約等同于水深50米),續航時間與老款Pebble一樣,都是5至7天。手表的左側有著新式的磁性充電口和一個按鈕,右側則有用于導航的另外三個按鈕。表盤內有一個Pebble標志,顯得有點突兀。(我希望它不存在。)屏幕下方有一個紅綠藍三色的二極管,但它只用來當作充電的指示燈。我不理解,開發者為什么不給它賦予更多的用途。手表整體具有金屬質感,擁有黑色的亞光表面。無論你選擇了哪種顏色,都會得到兩條表帶,一條是黑色皮革的,另一條則是金屬的。 ????這里我就要提到Pebble Steel的第一個缺點:表帶的兼容性。Pebble Steel并沒有采用標準的22毫米表帶,而是使用了專門的表帶。直到第三方公司開始生產定制表帶之前,你都只能用Pebble希望你用的這兩種。 ???? |
????The Pebble Steel (left) and the original Pebble watch. ????In the age of the smartphone, wristwatches are no longer worn primarily as timekeepers. But the Pebble Steel isn't a watch -- it's a "smartwatch." Instead of serving as a fashion accessory, the Pebble Steel acts as an extension of your smartphone. Notifications are sent to your wrist, requiring only a glance to decide if you need to reach into your pocket or bag for your phone. ????The Pebble team didn't have a booth at this year's International Consumer Electronics Show, but that didn't stop the company from trying to steal the spotlight. On the first day of the show, Pebble announced it would release a new version of its eponymous smartwatch. Dubbed the "Pebble Steel," the device would bring an air of sophistication to the company's lineup by using a stainless steel housing that recalls the lines of Cartier's iconic Tank watch and the inPulse, the team's first foray into smartwatches, in equal measure. No matter who I talked to at CES, the Pebble Steel took up the bulk of our conversation. For most, the main concern was whether or not the new watch warranted the $250 price tag. ????I enjoyed wearing the original Pebble, and came to rely on it to notify me of important e-mails or text messages. Though the plastic housing wasn't anything to boast about (and prone to scratches), I had no complaints. Aside from its metal housing, the new Pebble Steel carries Corning's Gorilla Glass for scratch protection, just like a modern smartphone. The new enclosure is a tad smaller than the original Pebble, but heavier. On the wrist, the Steel feels as light as its predecessor. Strangers and friends alike inquired about it when I wore it around town. ????The Steel offers the same 5 ATM (as in "atmospheres"; it translates to a depth of about 50 meters) waterproof rating and the same 5 to 7 day battery life as the original Pebble. On the left side of the watch is a magnetic charging port -- new for this model -- and a button. On the right side there are three additional buttons for navigation. Inside the bezel, there is a Pebble logo, which feels out of place. (I would have preferred none at all.) Just below the display is a single RGB LED light that acts only as a charging indicator, though I don't see why it couldn't be used by developers in other ways. The watch comes in metallic and black matte finishes. Whatever color you choose, you'll get two bands: One that's black leather, the other made of metal links. ????Which brings me to the first drawback of the Steel: Watchband compatibility. Instead of using a standard 22-millimeter band, the Steel uses a proprietary band. Until third-party companies start making custom bands, you're stuck with the bands Pebble wants you to have. |