????從2006年開始,就有越來越多的中國車企來底特律車展租個小展位參展,同時放出豪言稱將在不遠的將來把車賣到美國市場。也是從那時起,這些豪言就沒有一個真正兌現過,而且它們也必然落得這般下場,因為迄今為止,中國車企就沒造出過一輛符合美國市場對品質、可靠性及安全標準要求的車。比亞迪公司(BYD)(上圖是它的e6)是最近剛放出這種狠話的一家公司。本次車展前它宣布,計劃明年年末到美國市場賣自己的車。可是這次車展上根本沒見到比亞迪或任何一家中國車企的身影。? |
????Any car made in China??? ????Since 2006, more Chinese automakers have been occupying tiny alcoves at the Detroit show with the promise that they will be selling cars in the U.S. in the very near future. Since 2006, those promises have gone unfulfilled, and necessarily so, since no cars made by Chinese automakers can yet meet the quality, reliability, and safety standards demanded by the U.S. market. BYD (its e6 seen above) became the latest to declare its intentions, disclosing before the show that it planned to begin selling cars in the U.S. late next year, but neither it nor any other Chinese maker was in evidence at Detroit.?????? |