


Clay Dillow 2014-01-14

????波音公司可能會在中期和長期階段面臨嚴重困難。正如奧本海默公司的耶爾?雷納爾和威廉?李擔心777客機在777X交付之前會賣不出去一樣,布萊恩?弗利擔心的是737客機在短期內的銷量?!皢栴}在于,在等待新機型上線之前,波音公司能否賣出足夠數量的現有737機型,”弗利說?!暗谝患?37 MAX要到2017年才開始服役,而從現在到2017年還有三年的時間?!?/p>




????It's in the medium and long term where Boeing may find itself facing serious headwinds. Just as Oppenheimer's Reiner and Lee are concerned with the 777's ability to continue selling until the 777X is delivered, Foley worries about 737 sales in the nearer term. "There's a question of whether they'll be able to sell enough of their existing 737s while waiting for the new iteration to come online," he says. "The first 737 MAX enters service in 2017, and there's three years between now and then."

????For investors looking to gauge the strength of Boeing and the larger aircraft manufacturing sector going forward, it might be wiser to take a step back from the industry and look at it through a wider lens, Aboulafia says. One week of good headlines, no matter how good, won't carry Boeing for an entire year. And bullish though he is on Boeing's past few months, the future isn't dictated solely by order backlogs, production numbers, and labor contracts.

????"You've got continued strong commercial jet numbers largely because you've got an almost impossibly good combination of events in the macro environment: very low interest rates and oil prices that are kind of in a sweet spot -- not to so high that airlines can't make money and not so low that older jets are more attractive than newer ones," he says. "But you've got a fundamental problem for Boeing's strongest and most profitable unit, which is: What if anything changes?"??


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