
????現在是2014年。谷歌(Google)、Facebook和Twitter主宰了世界潮流。平面媒體和電視正在逐漸消亡。大家也許認為,我們現在已經弄明白了如何利用數字媒體來開展營銷。 ????實際并非如此。 ????作為今年七月科技頭腦風暴會議的預演,《財富》在本周一晚上邀請了三位來自大型企業、才思出眾的智囊來到拉斯維加斯,共同探討科技和營銷之間的互動關系。而你一定不知道,來自Facebook、福特汽車(Ford Motor)和Adobe的三位營銷主管就科技時代推銷產品的話題達成了共識,他們一致認為:我們還有很長的路要走。 ????發言的背景是一年一度的消費電子展。隨著時間一年一年過去,硬件極客們在這個盛會上已經不見蹤影,取而代之的是其他行業里科技至上的高管們,包括營銷人員。三位營銷主管,也就是Facebook的卡洛琳?艾佛森,福特的吉姆?法雷和Adobe的安?魯恩斯,在《財富》社交媒體和數字化營銷專家杰西?亨佩爾的步調引領下贊美了傳統媒體向新興媒體轉變帶來的好處。之后,他們指出了這個緩慢變革的過程中出現的大量問題。其中,顧客在數字媒體上花費的時間仍然跟營銷人員在數字媒體上投入的資金不相匹配。此外,高管們還表示,營銷部門與信息技術部門的合作依然有所欠缺。兩者都止步不前。從企業營銷到頑固不化的廣告公司,兩個行業的人才都沒有跟上形勢。而營銷的定義也在緩慢擴展,一方面,人們采用各種傳統營銷手段試圖提高麥片粥的銷量,另一方面,人們利用數據分析這種方法來增加企業利潤。 ????Facebook的艾佛森認為,社交媒體公司只不過剛剛挖到了金山一角。她表示,它們所欠缺的是像Facebook等公司那樣贏得顧客對網頁廣告的好評,從而像電視一樣影響顧客決策及其他因素的能力。業界術語將其稱作“多點歸因”。艾佛森認為這種歸因并沒有出現在需要的時候出現。“我對客戶說:‘如果你認為我們沒有推動這項產業,你們不用給我們一分錢?!睘榱俗龅竭@點,Facebook需要贏得應有的認可。 ????比Facebook歷史更悠久的公司,如福特和Adobe,普遍都在關注對尚未習慣數字媒體的員工進行培訓的問題。福特的法雷表示,他們的一線品牌經理在推出新款車型這類關鍵時刻,仍然想采取“保險”做法。換句話說,他們還是希望把大多數預算花在購買電視廣告上,而對數字媒體只是淺嘗輒止。至于Adobe,魯恩斯表示,盡管這家軟件制造商如今把75%的營銷預算投到了數字產品,卻在訓練數字媒體營銷的新員工上依然舉步維艱。她說:“老實說,很多人都不愿意參加再培訓?!盇dobe也聘用了新型人才,包括分析數據以預測購買模式的計量經濟學家。她說:“Adobe以前從未有過這類人才?!?/p> ????數字化革命仍然在影響著營銷行業,只是變化不會發生在一夜之間罷了。(財富中文網) ????譯者:嚴匡正??? |
????It's 2014. Google (GOOG), Facebook (FB) and Twitter are kings of the world. Print media and television are dying. You'd think we'd have this marketing-with-digital media thing figured out by now. ????We don't. ????As a preview to our Brainstorm Tech conference in July, Fortune gathered three of the sharpest minds in big business in Las Vegas on Monday night to discuss the interplay between technology and marketing. And wouldn't you know it, the heads of marketing for Facebook, Ford Motor (F), and Adobe (ADBE) landed on a common conclusion regarding the techno-age for pushing products: We've got a long way to go, baby. ????The setting? The annual Consumer Electronics Show, where hardware geeks are with every passing year getting pushed out by technology-oriented executives from other industries, including marketers. Taken through their paces by Jessi Hempel, Fortune's social media and digital marketing ace, the three marketing execs -- Carolyn Everson of Facebook, Ford's Jim Farley, and Ann Lewnes of Adobe -- celebrated what's good about the shift from old media to new. Then they identified the many shortcomings of the slow-motion revolution, in which time spent digitally by consumers still isn't matched by money spent digitally by marketers. There still isn't enough collaboration between the marketing department and the IT group, the executives argued. Each is stuck in its way. Talent, from corporate marketing to hidebound advertising agencies, isn't getting with the program. And the very definition of marketing is expanding slowly, with pushing levers to sell more cereal on one end of the spectrum and slicing and dicing data in profitable ways on the other. ????To hear Facebook's Everson tell it, the social media company is barely scratching the surface of what it could accomplish in terms of making money. What's missing, she says, is the ability of companies like hers to get credit for advertising that runs on its website that, in turn, affects buyer decisions alongside other factors, like TV. The industry jargon for this is "multi-touch attribution." Everson says it's not where it needs to be. "I tell clients, 'You shouldn't give us a single dollar unless you think we're moving the business." To do this, Facebook needs to be given credit where credit is due. ????For companies older than Facebook, such as Ford and Adobe, retraining non-digital natives is a common concern. Ford's Farley said "front-line" brand managers still want to take the "safe" way out when introducing something as important as a new vehicle. In other words, they want to buy TV ad spots with most of their budget and merely experiment with digital. As for Adobe, Lewnes said that even though the software maker now spends 75% of its marketing budget on digital products, it still struggles with training the new personnel necessary to market in the digital world. "To be frank, a lot of people didn't want to be re-skilled," she said. Adobe also has hired new kinds of people, including econometricians to crunch data that predicts buying patterns. "These types of people didn't exist before at Adobe," she said. ????The digital revolution is still coming to the marketing industry. It just isn't happening overnight. |