Ryan Bradley, Geoff Colvin, Catherine Dunn, Leigh Gallagher, Stephen Gandel, Miguel Helft, Jessi Hempel, Marty Jones, Adam Lashinsky, JP Mangalindan, Megan McCarthy, Tory Newmyer, Jennifer Reingold, Daniel Roberts, Alex Taylor, Shawn Tully, and Jen Wieczner
????蘭德?保羅將支持解除大麻禁令 ????為了給家鄉父老創造工作機會,這位肯塔基州參議員已經在竭力推動工業用大麻合法化。2014年,保羅更進一步,聲稱政府應該對大麻征稅,同時對它實行監管。對這位有可能參加2016年總統大選的政治家來說,這項提議無疑是個險招。在一些率先進行共和黨初選的州(比如愛荷華州),福音派信徒肯定不喜歡這樣的立場,但千禧一代選民則強烈支持大麻合法化。 ????概率: 52%。 |
????Rand Paul will support ending ban on pot ????The Kentucky senator has already pushed to legalize industrial hemp as a jobs boon back home. In 2014, Paul goes much further, saying the drug should be taxed and regulated. It's a dicey proposition for the likely 2016 presidential aspirant. Evangelicals in early Republican primary states like Iowa won't like the stance, but millennial voters strongly support legalization. ????Odds: 52%. |