新版美鈔面世 5月20日 位于華盛頓特區的美國雕版和印刷管理局(Bureau of Engraving and Printing )里擺放著一沓沓的新版100美元鈔票。去年秋季,帶有新安全防偽特征的新版百元美鈔面世,包括富蘭克林的頭像和微印刷在內的新技術增加了鈔票造假的難度。 圖片來源:Mark Wilson/Getty Images |
New currency designs revealed May 20 Newly redesigned $100 notes lay in stacks at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. The $100 bills will be released this fall and have new security features, such as a duplicating portrait of Benjamin Franklin and microprinting added to make the bill more difficult to counterfeit. Source: Mark Wilson/Getty Images |